2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 4

Access to private lands enrolled in the Access Yes Walk-In or Hunter
Management Program is granted only for the take of wildlife species
and for the time periods specified in Department publications. Travel
by motorized vehicle is prohibited, except as otherwise stated. Hunters
wishing to use enrolled private lands for any other wildlife species,
activity or time period must obtain permission from the landowner or
person in charge of the property. Department publications or signs
shall serve as official regulations of the Commission and may advise of
additional restrictions. The landowner or person in charge of the property
may grant permission for motorized vehicle travel contrary to that
specified by Department signs or publications.
The Access Yes Program was established to help address the difficulties
of finding places to hunt and fish. Sportspersons can voluntarily
donate any whole dollar amount to Access Yes when they
purchase or apply for a license. Contributions are used to secure
additional public hunting and fishing access on private lands and
inaccessible public lands. Donating helps support the program, but
does not provide or imply access to all private or inaccessible public
lands in Wyoming.
No person shall take any wildlife with the aid of or by using any artificial
light or lighting device except as provided by statute and Commission
regulation. Predatory animals may be taken with the aid of an artificial
light or lighting device, including thermal or infrared imaging or other
light imaging by:
i. A public officer authorized to and conducting predator control;
ii. A landowner, resident manager or person with the landowner's or
a resident manager's written permission to take predatory animals,
on land under the landowner's control for the protection of their
iii. Any person taking a predatory animal on public or state land is subject
to limitations established by the Commission.
It is prima facie evidence of a violation if a person uses an artificial
light in an area that may be inhabited by wildlife while having in
their possession and control any device for taking wildlife.
This shall not prohibit the hunting on foot of raccoon with the aid of a
handlight, provided the hunter is accompanied by a raccoon hunting
dog and, if hunting on private land(s), has the written permission of the
landowner or their agent.
No person shall take a game animal, game bird or game fish and use
any part thereof for bait to hunt, trap or poison any wildlife of Wyoming.
Every hunter, angler or trapper entering or leaving areas for which
check stations have been established shall stop and report at the check
station if the check station is on the hunter's, angler's or trapper's route
to and from the hunting or fishing area. This requirement applies even
if the person does not have wildlife in possession. Game and fish
licensees shall produce their licenses, permits or stamps as required
by regulation for any game animals, game birds, fish or furbearing animals
in their possession for inspection upon request by any authorized
department representative.
All areas within the state of Wyoming not opened by specific order of
the Commission shall be closed to the taking of game animals, furbearing
animals and game birds.
Persons exercising privileges under a furbearer hunting or trapping license
are not required to obtain a conservation stamp.
" Accompanied by a mentor " means being directly supervised at all
times by a mentor who is within sight and direct voice contact.
" Artificial light or lighting device " means any man-made light or lighting
device which projects a visible light outside the device, or any electronic
device that provides an enhanced ability to see in the dark.
" Designated road " means an established road marked with a white
arrow sign.
" Domicile " means that place where a person has his true, fixed and
permanent home to which whenever the person is temporarily absent
the person has the intention of returning. To prove domicile as required
by Wyoming Statutes § 23-1-102 and § 23-1-107 a person shall be able
to establish that he: physically resides in Wyoming; has made his permanent
home in Wyoming; is not residing in Wyoming for a special or
temporary purpose; and, has abandoned his domicile in all other states,
territories or countries.
" Electronic Licensing Service (ELS) " means the Department's Electronic
Draw Application System, Internet Point of Sale System and Online
Internet Sales System used by the Department, license selling agents
and the public to apply for or purchase licenses, permits, stamps, tags
and preference points.
" Established road " means any road or trail that has been graded or
constructed to carry motor vehicles or on which repeated legal motor
vehicle traffic has created well-defined tracks.
" Furbearing animal " means badger, beaver, bobcat, marten, mink,
muskrat or weasel.
" License " means a document issued by the Department, through the
authority of the Commission, to a qualified individual that grants certain
privileges to take fish or wildlife in accordance with statutory or regulatory
" Mentee " means a person who has received special authorization from
the Department to take wildlife and who has not received a certificate
of competency and safety in the use and handling of firearms.
" Mentor " means a person who is at least eighteen (18) years of age,
can demonstrate they have a certificate of competency and safety in
the use and handling of firearms, possesses a valid Wyoming hunting
license and is directly supervising not more than one (1) mentee, other
than immediate family members, at a time while in the field.
" Nonresident " means any person not a resident.
" Orders " means orders, rules and regulations.
" Permit " means a document that authorizes a license holder to carry
out activities not authorized by the license itself.
" Predacious bird " means English sparrow and starling.
" Predatory animal " means coyote, jackrabbit, porcupine, raccoon, red
fox, skunk or stray cat. " Predatory animal " also means gray wolf located
outside the Wolf Trophy Game Management Area and Seasonal Wolf
Trophy Game Management Area as described in Wyoming Statute §
23-1-101 (a) (xii) (B) (l) and (ll).
" Protected animal " means black-footed ferret, fisher, lynx, otter, pika
or wolverine.
" Protected bird " means migratory birds as defined and protected under
federal law.
" Public road or highway " (except as otherwise provided) means any
roadway that is open to vehicular travel by the public. The road surface,
the area between the fences on a fenced public road or highway, and
an area thirty (30) feet perpendicular to the edge of the road surface
on an unfenced public road or highway shall be considered the public

2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs

2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 1
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 2
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 3
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 4
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 5
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 6
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 7
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 8
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 9
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 10
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 11
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 12
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 13
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 14
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 15
2023-24 furbearer and trapping regs - 16