2023 Fishing Regulations - 24
The following 28 waters are included under
the Special Winter Ice Fishing Provision:
* Alcova Reservoir
* Bighorn Lake in Big Horn County
* Big Sandy Reservoir
* Boulder Lake in Sublette County
* Boysen Reservoir
* Deaver Reservoir in Park County
* Flaming Gorge Reservoir
* Fontenelle Reservoir in Lincoln County
* Glendo Reservoir
* Goldeneye Reservoir
* Gray Reef Reservoir
* Grayrocks Reservoir
* Guernsey Reservoir
* Harrington Reservoir in Big Horn County
* Hawk Springs Reservoir
* Keyhole Reservoir
* Kortes Reservoir
* Lake DeSmet
* Lake Hattie
* Ocean Lake in Fremont County
* Pathfinder Reservoir
* Pilot Butte Reservoir
* Seminoe Reservoir
* Sulphur Creek Reservoir in Uinta County
* Wardell Reservoir
* Wheatland Reservoir #1 in Platte County
* Wheatland Reservoir #3 in Albany County
* Woodruff Reservoir
Ice Fishing Shelters
Any person utilizing an enclosed ice fishing shelter on the waters of this
state shall remove the shelter from the body of water before ice-out.
Fishing Contests
Fishing contests held on waters of this state shall be approved and
authorized in writing by the Department. No person shall conduct a
fishing contest without first obtaining a fishing contest permit. The
permittee shall adhere to all requirements and stipulations provided
on the fishing contest permit.
It is Unlawful...
* To release fish alive that have been placed on a stringer,
in a container, in a live well, or not released immediately to
the water without written approval from the Department.
* To plant or release live fish or fish eggs without the consent
and supervision of the Department or its authorized
personnel. This does not include fish captured by legal
means and released immediately upon capture.
* To sell, barter, dispose of, or abandon, or obtain by sale
or barter, any edible portion of any game fish in this state.
* To enter, fish from, beach, anchor, or tie-off a boat upon
private land or streambed without securing the landowner's
permission (see page 31).
* To take game fish for another person.
* To possess or transport an aquatic invasive species in the
State of Wyoming.
Anyone desiring to hold a fishing contest shall submit an application
for a fishing contest permit on a form provided by the Department.
Fishing contest applications may be submitted one (1) year (365
days) prior to the start of the fishing contest, but shall be submitted
at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of the fishing contest.
Live Release Fishing Contests
No person shall release live fish in a fishing contest without a fishing
contest permit authorizing live release.
Reasons for Denying Fishing Contest Permits
The Department may deny an application if information is falsified
on the application, or if the application is incomplete or incorrectly
filled out. Fishing contest permits shall not be issued if the Department
determines the fishing contest does not comply with Wyoming
Statutes, Commission regulations, shall be harmful to the fisheries
resource, or that public use facilities such as boat ramps, parking
areas, campgrounds, and related facilities are inadequate to support
the contest. Failure to comply with the requirements of the fishing
contest permit is a violation of Commission regulations and may
result in denial of future fishing contest permits.
Post-Fishing Contest Report Required
Within thirty (30) days after completion of the fishing contest, the
permittee shall submit a legible, complete and accurate written
report to the Department on a form provided by the Department.
Failure to submit this report may result in denial of future fishing
contest permits.
Fishing Contest-free Period
The following restrictions apply for waters covered by the " Special
Fishing Contest Provision. "
Waters included under the " Special Fishing Contest Provision "
are listed with the regulations for those drainage areas in Area 5.
The Department shall authorize fishing contests such that each
water included in the " Special Fishing Contest Provision " has a period
of at least two (2) weeks when fishing contests are not allowed.
The specific dates when contests are not allowed are listed with
the regulations for the drainage areas.
Established Check Stations,
Mandatory Reporting
Every angler shall stop and report at every check station on route
to or from any fishing area regardless if the person has any fish in
possession. Upon request of any authorized Department representative,
anyone who has been fishing shall produce a valid license and
conservation stamp, if required, and fish. Even if the fish in possession
have been cut and wrapped or processed, the person transporting
fish shall stop and report at the check station.
Aquatic Invasive Species
Compliance with aquatic invasive species inspection requirements
is an express condition of allowing a watercraft to contact any waters
of this state.
Immediately upon removing a watercraft from any waters of this
state, the operator shall remove all visible vegetation from the watercraft
and trailer and drain all water from the watercraft including, but
not limited to, water in the hull, ballast tanks, bilges, live wells and
motors. All bilge and ballast plugs and other barriers that prevent
water drainage from a watercraft shall be removed or remain open
while a watercraft is transported by land within the state.
Any person transporting any watercraft into the state by land from
March 1 through November 30 shall have the watercraft inspected
by an authorized inspector prior to launching.
2023 Fishing Regulations
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 Fishing Regulations
2023 Fishing Regulations - 1
2023 Fishing Regulations - 2
2023 Fishing Regulations - 3
2023 Fishing Regulations - 4
2023 Fishing Regulations - 5
2023 Fishing Regulations - 6
2023 Fishing Regulations - 7
2023 Fishing Regulations - 8
2023 Fishing Regulations - 9
2023 Fishing Regulations - 10
2023 Fishing Regulations - 11
2023 Fishing Regulations - 12
2023 Fishing Regulations - 13
2023 Fishing Regulations - 14
2023 Fishing Regulations - 15
2023 Fishing Regulations - 16
2023 Fishing Regulations - 17
2023 Fishing Regulations - 18
2023 Fishing Regulations - 19
2023 Fishing Regulations - 20
2023 Fishing Regulations - 21
2023 Fishing Regulations - 22
2023 Fishing Regulations - 23
2023 Fishing Regulations - 24
2023 Fishing Regulations - 25
2023 Fishing Regulations - 26
2023 Fishing Regulations - 27
2023 Fishing Regulations - 28
2023 Fishing Regulations - 29
2023 Fishing Regulations - 30
2023 Fishing Regulations - 31
2023 Fishing Regulations - 32
2023 Fishing Regulations - 33
2023 Fishing Regulations - 34
2023 Fishing Regulations - 35
2023 Fishing Regulations - 36