2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 10

ming interstate game tag, or unless the transportation of a big or trophy
game animal is by a person in possession of a proper carcass coupon
signed and dated by the person who harvested the animal, or the transportation
of game birds or small game is by a properly licensed hunter
in possession of not more than the daily bag or possession limit .
It is unethical and disrespectful to your fellow hunters to shoot at geese,
ducks and other game birds beyond reasonable killing ranges . The law
requires that you make a reasonable effort to retrieve and reduce to
possession any wounded or crippled migratory game birds you have
shot . If you hit a migratory game bird and see it fall or land in a location
you can legally access, then you have an obligation to search for the
downed bird and attempt to retrieve it . If a crippled migratory game
bird lands on adjoining private land, you have an obligation to seek that
landowner's permission to retrieve the downed bird .
Predatory animals and predacious birds may be taken without a license .
Sportspersons are advised that many areas of National Forest and Bureau
of Land Management lands are subject to travel and vehicle use
limitations to protect resources . Maps and additional information regarding
these limitations are available at U .S . Forest Service, Bureau of
Land Management and other agency offices near these public lands .
Waterfowl hunters should be aware certain bodies of water within Wyoming
have watercraft restrictions on them . For a list of waters that have
restrictions, please check the watercraft or fishing regulations or check
with your local Department Regional Office .
Hunt areas marked with an asterisk (*) are predominantly private lands
or have limited accessible public lands . If you are considering applying
for a license in any of these hunt areas, you are advised to obtain
landowner permission before applying . Obtaining permission to hunt
after you receive a license is often difficult or impossible . You may hunt
legally accessible state or public land within these hunt areas, but such
lands are often small parcels that receive heavy hunting pressure and
may not sustain the species of wildlife you desire to hunt . In addition,
wildlife are often more abundant on the private land portions of these
areas . Inability to secure a place to hunt is not cause for a license refund
or exchange .
Wyoming is a member of the Wildlife Violator Compact . The Compact
enables a violator from any member state to accept a wildlife
citation and proceed on their way without being required to post an
appearance bond unless the violation requires MUST APPEAR and NO
BOND ACCEPTED . The Compact provides for the suspension of wildlife
license privileges in the home state of any person whose license
privileges have been suspended by a participating state . If you have
had your privileges suspended in any of the participating states, you
may lose your privileges in Wyoming, in addition to all the participating
Compact states . Additional information about the Compact can be
obtained by contacting the Wildlife Law Enforcement Coordinator at
(307) 233-6413 .
Only non-Indian owned, fee title lands are open to the taking of wildlife
with a State of Wyoming license . Land status is complicated and lawful
access must be investigated thoroughly . Sportspersons are advised it is
their responsibility to determine land status prior to entering these areas .
Wyoming State Parks allow limited hunting opportunities at specific locations
and may have additional restrictions and regulations for access
and hunting . Sportspersons are encouraged to contact Wyoming State
Parks at wyoparks .wyo .gov or contact the individual State Park Office
for additional information prior to hunting .
Supporting on the ground projects
to strengthen Wyoming's wildlife
Supporting on-the-ground
projects to strengthen
Wyoming's wildlife
THEWYLDLIFEFUND.ORG * 307.316.3863 *

2023 upland game bird and small game regs

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 upland game bird and small game regs

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