2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 20
What documents do I need to hunt migratory game birds in Wyoming?
Under age of 14
Hunter Safety Certificate (See page 8)
Wyoming Conservation Stamp (See page 7)
Wyoming HIP Permit (See page 8)
Federal Duck Stamp (see page 8)
Resident daily or 12 month game bird or game bird/small
game hunting license (See page 4)
Nonresident daily or 12 month game bird/small game hunting
license (See page 4)
Nonresident 12 month youth game bird/small game hunting license
(See page 4)
a . Federal Regulations . 50 CFR 20 .21(i) revised as of August 8, 2019,
which do not include any later amendments or editions of the incorporated
matter, governing the baiting of migratory game birds,
are adopted as regulations of the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission
. Violations of these federal statutes and regulations shall
be violations of the Commission regulations . A copy of Title 50 of
the Code of Federal Regulations can be viewed at the Cheyenne
Headquarters, Department Regional Offices or on the U .S . Fish and
Wildlife Service website (www .fws .gov) .
b . Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (federal
duck stamp) . A federal duck stamp is required for persons sixteen
(16) years of age and older to hunt ducks, geese and mergansers .
A federal duck stamp is not required to hunt coots, sandhill cranes,
crows, mourning doves, rail or snipe . Federal duck stamps shall be
signed in ink across the face of the stamp and shall be in possession
of the hunter while in the field . Hunters possessing an electronic
federal duck stamp are exempted from this signature provision
during the time their electronic federal duck stamp is valid .
c . HIP Permit . Each licensed hunter who hunts migratory game birds
shall complete a current Wyoming validation for the National Migratory
Bird Harvest Information Program (HIP) and shall obtain a
Wyoming HIP permit . This requirement also applies to holders of pioneer
and lifetime hunting licenses . Each licensed hunter engaged
in the act of hunting doves, ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, rails,
cranes or snipe shall be in possession of a Wyoming HIP permit
and shall immediately produce said permit upon request from any
authorized Department representative . HIP permits shall be signed
in ink across the face of the permit and shall be in possession of the
hunter while in the field . HIP permits expire on June 30 each year .
HIP permits are not transferrable to other states . A separate HIP
permit is required from each state in which you hunt . Wyoming HIP
permits shall be available only on the Department website . Youths
under 14 are not required to obtain a HIP permit if they do not hold
a valid game bird license .
d . No person shall take migratory game birds:
i . With a trap, snare, net, rifle, pistol, swivel gun, shotgun larger
than 10 gauge, punt gun, machine gun, fishhook, poison, drug,
explosive or stupefying substance;
ii . With any shotgun that can hold more than three (3) shells in
the magazine and chamber combined, except during the light
goose conservation order (refer to Section 7 of this regulation);
iii . From a sink box or any low floating device, which has a depression
to hide a person underneath the water's surface;
iv . From or by means of any motorboat or sailboat unless the motor
has been completely shut off or sail furled, and the boat's progress
therefrom has ceased;
v . By the use or aid of live decoys . All live, tame or captive ducks
and geese shall be removed for a period of ten (10) consecutive
days prior to hunting, and shall be confined within an enclosure
which substantially reduces the audibility of their calls and totally
conceals such birds from the sight of migratory game birds;
vi . By the use of records or tapes of migratory bird calls or sounds,
or electronically amplified imitations of bird calls, except during
the light goose conservation order;
vii . By driving, rallying or chasing migratory game birds with any
motor driven land, water or air conveyance or any sailboat .
e . Nontoxic Shot . No person shall hunt ducks, geese, mergansers or
coots while possessing shot other than nontoxic shot . Nontoxic
shot is also required when using a shotgun to hunt any game bird
on the Commission's Table Mountain and Springer/Bump-Sullivan
wildlife habitat management areas .
f . Evidence of Species . One fully-feathered wing or the feathered
head shall remain naturally attached to the carcass as a means of
identification of migratory game birds, except mourning doves, in
the field and while the birds are being transported .
g . Mourning Dove, Rail and Snipe Hunting Seasons .
Season Dates
Mourning Dove
Sora and
Virginia Rail
Sep. 1
Sep. 1
Sep. 1
Nov. 29
Nov. 9
Dec. 16
Closed Areas Section 3 Subsections
d, e
a - after Nov. 17
c - after Nov. 14
b, d, e
b, d, e
a - after Nov. 17
c - after Nov. 14
Bag Limit
Daily Poss.
Ages 14-15
Ages 16 and older
Under age of 14
Ages 14-15
Ages 16-17
Ages 18 and older
2023 upland game bird and small game regs
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 upland game bird and small game regs
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 1
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 2
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 3
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 4
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 5
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 6
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 7
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 8
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 9
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 10
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 11
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 12
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 13
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 14
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 15
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 16
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 17
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