2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 6

" Daily bag limit " means the maximum number of game birds or small
game animals that may be legally taken in a single day .
" Dark geese " means Canada goose, cackling goose, white-fronted
goose and brant .
" Designated road " means an established road marked with a white
arrow sign .
" Domicile " means that place where a person has his true, fixed and permanent
home to which whenever the person is temporarily absent the person
has the intention of returning . To prove domicile as required by Wyoming
Statutes § 23-1-102 and § 23-1-107 a person shall be able to establish that
he: physically resides in Wyoming; has made his permanent home in Wyoming;
is not residing in Wyoming for a special or temporary purpose; and,
has abandoned his domicile in all other states, territories or countries .
" Electronic Licensing Service (ELS) " means the Department's Electronic
Draw Application System, Internet Point of Sale System and Online
Internet Sales System used by the Department, license selling agents
and the public to apply for or purchase licenses, permits, stamps, tags
and preference points .
" Established road " means any road or trail that has been graded or
constructed to carry motor vehicles or on which repeated legal motor
vehicle traffic has created well-defined tracks .
" Expanding point bullet " means any bullet designed by its manufacturer
to create a wound channel larger than the bullet's diameter .
" Falconry " means taking quarry by means of a trained raptor .
" Federal duck stamp " means Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and
Conservation Stamp or Electronic Duck Stamp .
" Game bird " means grouse, partridge, pheasant, ptarmigan, quail, wild
turkey and migratory game birds .
" General licenses " means big or trophy game or wild turkey licenses
valid in any hunt area in which licenses have not been totally limited in
number . General licenses shall be valid only under species, sex, age
class and harvest limitations that are in effect for each hunt area .
" License " means a document issued by the Department, through the
authority of the Commission, to a qualified individual that grants certain
privileges to take fish or wildlife in accordance with statutory or regulatory
provisions .
" Light geese " means snow goose, blue goose or Ross's goose .
" Limited Quota Licenses " means licenses that are limited in number
and valid only in a specified hunt area(s) or portion(s) of a hunt area .
Limited quota licenses shall be valid only under species, sex, age
class, harvest, and weapon type limitations that are in effect for each
hunt area .
" Mentee " means a person who has received special authorization from
the Department to take wildlife and who has not received a certificate
of competency and safety in the use and handling of firearms .
" Mentor " means a person who is at least eighteen (18) years of age,
can demonstrate they have a certificate of competency and safety in
the use and handling of firearms, possesses a valid Wyoming hunting
license and is directly supervising not more than one (1) mentee, other
than immediate family members, at a time while in the field .
" Migratory game bird " means all migratory game birds defined and
protected under federal law .
" Nonresident " means any person not a resident .
" Nontoxic shot " means steel or any other federally approved nontoxic
shot .
" Orders " means orders, rules and regulations .
" Pacific Flyway " means the portion of Wyoming west of the Continental
Divide, including the Great Divide Basin .
" Permit " means a document that authorizes a license holder to carry
out activities not authorized by the license itself .
" Possession limit " means the maximum number of game birds or small
game animals that may be legally in possession . Wildlife in transit or
storage shall be considered in possession . For migratory game birds,
when a person hunts in more than one (1) state, flyway or zone, the
person's total limit shall not exceed the largest daily bag or possession
limit prescribed for any one of the states, flyways or zones in which the
hunting takes place .
" Predacious bird " means English sparrow and starling .
" Predatory animal " means coyote, jackrabbit, porcupine, raccoon, red
fox, skunk or stray cat . " Predatory animal " also means gray wolf located
outside the Wolf Trophy Game Management Area and Seasonal Wolf
Trophy Game Management Area as described in Wyoming Statute §
23-1-101 (a) (xii) (B) (l) and (ll) .
" Protected animal " means black-footed ferret, fisher, lynx, otter, pika
or wolverine .
" Protected bird " means migratory birds as defined and protected under
federal law .
" Public road or highway " (except as otherwise provided) means any
roadway that is open to vehicular travel by the public . The road surface,
the area between the fences on a fenced public road or highway, and an
area thirty (30) feet perpendicular to the edge of the road surface on an
unfenced public road or highway shall be considered the public road or
highway . Two-track trails on public lands are not public roads .
" Real Time Video Photography Equipment " means any video or photography
equipment capable of utilizing cellular or Wi-Fi technology to
transmit images or video for remote viewing .
" Resident " means a United States citizen or legal alien who is domiciled
in Wyoming for at least one (1) full year immediately preceding
making application for any resident game and fish license, preference
point, permit or tag, shall not have claimed residency in any other
state, territory or country for any other purpose during that one (1) year
period, and meets the requirements specified in Wyoming Statutes §
23-1-102 and § 23-1-107 .
" Season limit " means the maximum number of sandhill cranes or
pheasants that may be legally taken during the entire season .
" Small game animal " means cottontail rabbit or snowshoe hare, and
fox, grey and red squirrels .
" Take " means hunt, pursue, catch, capture, shoot, fish, seine, trap, kill,
or possess, or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, capture, shoot, fish, seine,
trap, kill or possess .
" Waste " means to leave, abandon or allow any edible portion of meat
from a big game animal, game bird, game fish or small game animal to
become tainted, rotten or otherwise unfit for human consumption prior
to processing at a person's home or at a processor .
" Waterfowl " means ducks, geese, coots and mergansers .
Contact the Cheyenne Headquarters or any Department Regional Office
for specific information .
When any license issued has been lost or destroyed, the licensee
may secure a duplicate of the original license from the Cheyenne
Headquarters, any Department Regional Office or designated license
selling agents . A duplicate license shall be issued if the original license
contained a carcass coupon . A replacement license shall be
issued if the original license did not contain a carcass coupon . The
licensee may secure a replacement license at the Cheyenne Headquarters,
Department Regional Offices or from ELS agents . The Department
shall charge a fee of seven dollars ($7) for each duplicate or
replacement license .
The Commission may institute an emergency closure by regulation to
shorten the season in any area at any time if a harvest quota is reached
or if an emergency arises warranting the closure . Should a closure become
necessary after the season opens, no refunds will be given for
unused licenses .

2023 upland game bird and small game regs

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 upland game bird and small game regs

2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 1
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 2
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 3
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 4
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 5
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 6
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 7
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 8
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 9
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 10
2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 11
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2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 13
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2023 upland game bird and small game regs - 23
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