2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 44

easterly up said creek to the Continental Divide; southerly along said
divide to the Big Sandy River; southerly down said river to the Big Sandy
Reservoir Road (Sweetwater County Road 28); westerly along said
road to U.S. Highway 191; southerly along said highway to the 18 Mile
Road (Sweetwater County Road 49); southwesterly along said road to
the County Line Road (Sweetwater County Road 52); northerly along
said road to the Fontenelle Dam Road (Lincoln County Road 313); westerly
along said road to Fontenelle Dam and the Green River.
Area 139. Pinedale. Beginning where the East Green River Road (Sublette
County Road 23-110) intersects Wyoming Highway 351; northerly
along said highway to Cora Junction and U.S. Highway 191; easterly
along said highway to Pine Creek; northerly up said creek to Summit
Lake; easterly to Mt. Helen and the Continental Divide; southerly along
said divide to the Middle Fork of Boulder Creek; westerly down said
creek to Boulder Creek; westerly down said creek to the New Fork
River; southerly down said river to Wyoming Highway 351; westerly
along said highway to the East Green River Road (Sublette County
Road 23-110).
Area 140. New Fork. Beginning where U.S. Highway 191 crosses Pine
Creek in the town of Pinedale; westerly and northerly along said highway
to the Green River at Warren Bridge; northerly up said river to Jim
Creek; easterly up said creek to the divide between the New Fork River
and the Green River; southerly along said divide to the divide between
the Green River and Pine Creek; southeasterly along said divide to
Summit Lake and the head of Pine Creek; southerly down said creek
to U.S. Highway 191.
Area 141. Green River. Beginning where U.S. Highway 191 crosses the
Green River at Warren Bridge; northwesterly along said highway to the
divide between the Hoback River and the Green River (Hoback Rim);
northerly along said divide to the divide between the Green River and
the Gros Ventre River at Hodges Peak; northeasterly along said divide
to the Darwin Ranch Road (U.S.F.S. Road 620); easterly along said road
to the Union Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 600); northerly and easterly
along said road to the Continental Divide; southerly along said divide to
Mt. Helen; westerly to Summit Lake and the divide between the Green
River and Pine Creek; northwesterly along said divide to the divide between
the Green River and the New Fork River; northerly along said
divide to the head of Jim Creek; westerly down said creek to the Green
River; southerly down said river to U.S. Highway 191 at Warren Bridge.
Area 142. Piney-Horse Creek. Beginning where the East Green River
Road (Sublette County Road 23-110) intersects Wyoming Highway
351; westerly along said road to the Green River; northerly up said river
to Cottonwood Creek; westerly up said creek to South Cottonwood
Creek; westerly up said creek to the South Fork of South Cottonwood
Creek; westerly up said creek to the divide between the Green River
and the Greys River; northerly along said divide to the divide between
the Hoback River and the Green River; easterly along said divide to
U.S. Highway 191 at Hoback Rim; southerly along said highway to the
East Green River Road (Sublette County Road 23-110) at Cora Junction;
southerly along said road to Wyoming Highway 351.
Area 143. South Piney. Beginning where LaBarge Creek enters the
Green River; westerly up said creek to the divide between the Green
River and Greys River; northerly along said divide to the head of the
South Fork of South Cottonwood Creek; easterly down said creek to
South Cottonwood Creek; easterly down said creek to Cottonwood
Creek; easterly down said creek to the Green River; southerly down
said river to LaBarge Creek.
Area 144. Greys River. Beginning at the confluence of Greys River and
the Snake River; easterly up the Snake River to Bailey Creek; southerly
up said creek to Dry Wash Draw; easterly up said draw to the top of
the Greyback Ridge; southerly along said ridge to the divide between
the Greys River and the Green River; southerly, westerly and northerly
along said divide to the divide between the Greys River and Smith Fork
Creek; northerly and westerly along said divide to the divide between
the Greys River and Salt River; northerly along said divide to the ridge
between Squaw Creek and the Greys River; northeasterly along said
ridge to the confluence of Squaw Creek and the Greys River; westerly
down said river to the Snake River.
Area 145. Salt River. Beginning at the Wyoming-Idaho state line on
the Snake River; easterly up said river to the Greys River; easterly
up said river to the confluence of the Greys River and Squaw Creek;
southwesterly from said confluence to the ridge between Squaw
Creek and the Greys River; southerly up said ridge to the divide between
the Greys River and the Salt River; southerly along said divide
to the divide between the Bear River and the Salt River; westerly
along said divide to the Wyoming-Idaho state line; northerly along
said line to the Snake River.
Area 146. Fish Creek. Beginning where Kinky Creek enters the Gros
Ventre River; northerly down said river to Fish Creek; northerly up said
creek to the North Fork of Fish Creek; northerly up said creek to the
Moccasin Basin Road (U.S.F.S. Road 30750) at Calf Creek; northerly up
said road to the Continental Divide; southerly along said divide to the
Union Pass Road (U.S.F.S. Road 600); southerly along said road to the
Darwin Ranch Road (U.S.F.S. Road 620); westerly along said road to
Kinky Creek; westerly down said creek to the Gros Ventre River.
Area 148. Teton. Beginning where U.S. Highway 26-287 crosses the
western bank of the Buffalo Fork River at the private land boundary of
the Pinto Ranch; southerly, westerly and northerly along said boundary
to the Grand Teton National Park-Bridger Teton National Forest
boundary; northerly along said boundary to the Grand Teton National
Park-John D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway boundary; westerly then
northerly along said boundary to the Targhee National Forest boundary
at the northwest corner of Grand Teton National Park; northerly along
said boundary to the Yellowstone National Park boundary; easterly
along said boundary to the Continental Divide; southerly and easterly
along said divide to U.S. Highway 26-287 at Togwotee Pass; westerly
along said highway to the easternmost boundary of Grand Teton National
Park; northerly and westerly along said boundary to U.S. Highway
26-287 and the Buffalo Fork River.
Area 149. Targhee. Beginning where Wyoming Highway 22 crosses
the Wyoming-Idaho state line; northerly along said line to the southern
boundary of Yellowstone National Park; easterly along said boundary
to the Caribou-Targhee National Forest boundary; southerly along said
boundary to Teton Pass and Wyoming Highway 22; westerly along said
highway to the Wyoming-Idaho state line.
Area 150. Wilson. Beginning where the Caribou-Targhee National Forest
boundary crosses Wyoming Highway 22 at Teton Pass; northerly
along said boundary to the Grand Teton National Park boundary; northerly
and southerly along said boundary to U.S. Highway 191; southerly
along said highway to its junction with Wyoming Highway 22; westerly
along said highway to Teton Pass.
Area 151. Fall Creek. Beginning where Wyoming Highway 22 crosses
the Snake River; southerly and westerly down said river to the Wyoming-Idaho
state line; northerly along said line to Wyoming Highway
22; easterly along said highway to the Snake River.
Area 152. Lower Hoback. Beginning where U.S. Highway 191 crosses
Flat Creek at the north edge of the town of Jackson; due east to
the National Elk Refuge boundary; easterly along said boundary to the
Bridger-Teton National Forest boundary; southerly along said boundary
to Cache Creek; southeasterly up said creek to U.S.F.S. Trail 018; northeasterly
along said trail to the divide between Flat Creek and Cache
Creek at Cache Peak; easterly along the divide between Flat Creek and
Granite Creek to Pyramid Peak; southerly along the divide between the
Gros Ventre River and the Hoback River to Steamboat Peak; southerly
and westerly along the divide between Shoal Creek and Dell Creek to
the Riling Draw road; southerly along said road to the Dell Creek Road;
westerly along said road to the Hoback River; westerly down said river
to Cliff Creek; southerly up Cliff Creek to the divide between the Greys
River and the Hoback River; northwesterly along said divide to the divide
between the Greys River and Willow Creek; northerly along said
divide to the divide between Willow Creek and Bailey Creek (Greyback
Ridge); northerly along said divide to Dry Wash Draw; westerly down
said draw to Bailey Creek; northwesterly down said creek to the Snake
River; northerly up said river to Wyoming Highway 22; easterly along
said highway to U.S. Highway 191; easterly along said highway to Flat
Creek at the north edge of the town of Jackson.

2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs

2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 1
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 2
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 3
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 4
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 5
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 6
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 7
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 8
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 9
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 10
2024 Antelope, Deer and Elk Regs - 11
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