2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 9

Shipping. No person shall ship migratory game birds unless the package
is marked on the outside with: (1) the name and address of the person
sending the birds; (2) the name and address of the person to whom
the birds are being sent; (3) the number of birds by species, contained
in the package; and, (4) interstate game tag where required.
Each licensed hunter who hunts migratory game birds shall complete
a current Wyoming validation for the National Harvest Information Program
(HIP) and shall obtain a Wyoming HIP permit. This requirement
also applies to holders of pioneer and lifetime hunting licenses. Each
licensed hunter engaged in the act of hunting doves, ducks, geese,
mergansers, coots, rails, sandhill cranes or snipe shall be in possession
of a Wyoming HIP permit. Each person obtaining a HIP permit for the
purpose set forth in this section shall validate the permit by signing the
person's name in ink across the face of the permit. HIP permits expire
on June 30 each year.
Wyoming HIP permits shall be available only on the Department website.
Only one HIP permit is required to hunt all species for the entire
migratory game bird season. HIP permits are non-transferable to other
states. A separate permit is required from each state in which you hunt.
Nontoxic shot (steel or other federally approved nontoxic shot) shall be
required when taking or attempting to take ducks, mergansers, coots
or geese. Nontoxic shot is also required when using a shotgun to take
game birds or small game on the Springer and Table Mountain Wildlife
Habitat Management Areas. A current list of federally-approved nontoxic
shot types can be viewed at 50 CFR 20.21(j) (1).
CAUTION: More restrictive regulations may apply on national wildlife
refuges. For additional information about federal regulations, contact
Special Agent-in-Charge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P. O. Box 25486,
Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225-0486, (303) 236-7540.
Small game animals may only be taken from one-half (1/2) hour before
sunrise to one-half (1/2) hour after sunset.
Except as otherwise provided, upland game birds and wild turkey may
only be taken from one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to sunset.
No person shall enter upon, travel through or return across the private
property of any person to take wildlife, hunt, fish, trap or collect antlers
or horns without the permission of the landowner or person in charge
of the property. " Travel through or return across " requires physically
touching or driving on the surface of the private property. The license
must bear the signature of the landowner, lessee or agent of the landowner
on whose private property the person is accessing or other legitimate
proof as evidence that permission to hunt has been granted.
A pheasant Special Management Permit is required to hunt pheasants
on some Department wildlife habitat management areas, some lands
enrolled in the Access Yes Program and some state lands. Revenue
from this permit helps finance pheasant rearing and stocking at our bird
farms in the state. See page 17.
Hunters and anglers are reminded grizzly bears occupy many areas
in and around the Bridger-Teton, Shoshone and Caribou-Targhee National
Forests in northwest Wyoming. The Department strongly recommends
individuals working and recreating in these areas take precautions,
including carrying bear pepper spray, to avoid conflicts with
grizzly bears. Information about human safety and proper storage of
food and other attractants in occupied grizzly habitat is available from
the Cheyenne Headquarters, Department Regional Offices, U.S. Forest
Service Offices and the Department website. Regulations concerning
food/carcass storage in occupied grizzly habitat can be obtained from
the U.S. Forest Service. Report all conflicts with grizzly bears to the
nearest Department Regional Office.
For information about staying safe in bear country, visit the Department
bear wise page: https://wgfd.wyo.gov/Bear-Wise-Print
It is Illegal to
* Shoot or attempt to kill any wildlife from any public road or highway.
No person shall fire any firearm from, upon, along or across any public
road or highway. No person shall knowingly fire any rifle from the
enclosed lands of one person onto or across the enclosed lands of
another without the permission of both persons.
* Use any dog to hunt, run or harass any big or trophy game animal,
protected animal or furbearing animal except as otherwise provided
by statute. The Commission shall regulate the use of dogs to take
mountain lions and bobcats during hunting or trapping seasons.
* Use any aircraft with the intent to spot, locate and aid in the taking
of any big game animal from August 1 through January 31 of the following
calendar year. Additionally, no person shall use any aircraft to
spot, locate and aid in the taking of any trophy game animal during
any open season. Nothing in this Section shall apply to the operation
of an aircraft in a usual manner where there is no attempt or intent to
locate any game animal, such as aircraft used for the sole purpose
of passenger transport.
* Take and leave, abandon or allow the edible portion of any game
bird, game fish or game animal (except trophy game animal) to intentionally
or needlessly go to waste.
* Transport illegally taken wildlife across state lines; such transportation
is a violation of the Federal Lacey Act.
* Abandon meat from a big game animal or game bird at a meat processing
plant. Unless there is an express agreement between the
processing plant and the person providing otherwise, any meat from
a big game animal or game bird left at a meat processing plant for
more than forty-five (45) days is prima facie evidence of a violation
if written notice of the expiration of time has been attempted by the
processing plant in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated
by the Commission.
* Harass, pursue, hunt, shoot or kill any Wyoming wildlife except predatory
animals with, from or by use of any flying machine, automotive
vehicle, trailer, motor-propelled wheeled vehicle or vehicle designed
for travel over snow. The Commission may exempt handicapped
hunters from any of these provisions.
* Shoot waterfowl from a boat under power or sail.
Migratory birds that may not be taken, possessed, transported, sold
or bartered include all migratory birds as defined and protected under
federal law including, but not limited to, whooping cranes, bitterns,
grebes, herons, egrets, kingfishers, loons, pelicans, seagulls, shorebirds,
eagles, falcons, hawks and owls. Any insectivorous birds and
songbirds not otherwise classified are protected. Trumpeter swans are
also protected in Wyoming.
A sage grouse hunting permit shall be required of any licensed hunter
who participates in hunting sage grouse. The sage grouse hunting
permit shall be in possession of any person while hunting sage grouse,
and shall be immediately produced for inspection upon request from
any authorized Department representative. The permit shall be available
at headquarters, regional offices and the department website.
Except as otherwise exempt by state statute, no game animal or game
bird, or any part thereof, shall be shipped or transported from the state
except by the person who harvested the animal, and in possession of
the proper license, stamp and carcass coupon as required, or unless
the amount does not exceed twenty-five (25) pounds and is properly
tagged with a Wyoming interstate game tag. Not more than twenty-five
(25) pounds from any one (1) big or trophy game animal may be export9
https://wgfd.wyo.gov/Bear-Wise-Print https://wgfd.wyo.gov/

2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs

2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 1
2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 2
2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 3
2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 4
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2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 7
2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 8
2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 9
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2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 11
2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 12
2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 13
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2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 15
2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 16
2024 Game Bird and Small Game Regs - 17
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