Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 12

In addition to the definitions set forth in Title 23 of the Wyoming Statutes
and Chapter 2, General Hunting Regulation, the Commission also
adopts the following definition for the purpose of this chapter:
a. " Mortality " means any legal or illegal human-caused gray wolf
death that occurs during an open gray wolf hunting season, excluding
gray wolves taken by the Department, gray wolves taken under
the authority of W.S. § 23-3-115 (c), gray wolves taken under Lethal
Take Permits and known natural and accidental gray wolf deaths.
There shall be open seasons for the hunting of gray wolves as set forth
in this regulation. This regulation shall go into effect from and after
the date gray wolves are removed from the federal list of experimental
nonessential populations, endangered species or threatened species
in Wyoming. This regulation shall remain in effect until modified or repealed
by the Commission.
a. All gray wolves within the Wolf Trophy Game Management Area
and Seasonal Wolf Trophy Game Management Area as described
in W.S. §23-1-101(a) (xii) (B) (I) and (II) are designated as trophy game
animals. These regulations, and any allowance for hunting, do not
apply to lands administered by the National Park Service within
Grand Teton National Park or the National Elk Refuge. Gray wolves
in Wyoming are designated as predatory animals as defined in W.S.
§23-1-101(a) (viii) (B) except for:
i. Those areas where gray wolves are designated as trophy game
animals; and,
ii. Yellowstone National Park; and,
iii. The Wind River Reservation, except on non-Indian owned fee
titled lands.
b. Gray wolves designated as trophy game animals shall only be taken
during open gray wolf hunting seasons with legal firearms and
archery equipment as set forth in Commission regulation, except as
otherwise provided by Wyoming statutes.
c. Open hours for the taking of gray wolves. Gray wolves may only be
taken from one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to one-half (1/2) hour
after sunset.
d. No person, except as authorized by the Department, shall take a
gray wolf with the use of or by the aid of radio tracking equipment.
e. Bag and possession limit. The bag and possession limits for any
person with a proper license shall be one (1) gray wolf per license
during any one (1) calendar year (January 1 - December 31). A person
may purchase up to two (2) gray wolf hunting licenses during
any one (1) calendar year. Licensed hunters may take any gray wolf.
f. Reporting and registering kills. Hunters taking a gray wolf in the
hunt areas described in Section 6 shall retain the pelt and skull from
each gray wolf for registration purposes. Even if the skull is damaged,
it shall accompany the pelt for registration purposes. Visible
external evidence of sex shall remain naturally attached to the pelt.
The pelt and skull shall be presented in an unfrozen condition to
allow collection of biological samples and to determine the age and
sex of the gray wolf.
i. Within twenty-four (24) hours after taking a gray wolf, the licensee
shall either report the taking of a gray wolf by calling toll free
1-800-264-1280 or present the pelt and skull to a district game
warden, district wildlife biologist or Department personnel at a
Department regional office during business hours for reporting
and registration. The report shall include the name and phone
number of the person making the report, hunter's name and license
number, date of the kill, sex of gray wolf taken and location
of the site of kill to include hunt area.
ii. After a licensee has properly reported taking a gray wolf to the
toll free number in Section 4(f)(i), and within seventy-two (72)
hours after taking a gray wolf, the licensee taking the gray wolf
shall present the pelt and skull to a district game warden, district
wildlife biologist or Department personnel at a Department regional
office during business hours for registration. The licensee
shall provide their license number, date of kill and location of
the site of kill to include hunt area, section, township and range
or UTM coordinates.
A. A hunter taking a gray wolf in a designated wilderness area
shall present the pelt and skull to a district game warden,
district wildlife biologist or Department personnel at a Department
regional office during business hours for registration
within seventy-two (72) hours after returning from the
wilderness or within ten (10) days from the date of harvest,
whichever occurs first.
iii. At the time of registration, the licensee shall furnish the Department
their license number, date of kill and location of the site of
kill to include hunt area, section, township and range or UTM
iv. Any person who makes a false statement on the registration is
in violation of this regulation.
g. Surrender of electronic radio tracking devices. Any person taking
a gray wolf wearing an electronic radio tracking device within the
hunt areas described in Section 6 shall surrender the device to the
Department in accordance with registration dates in Section 4(f) (ii)
of this chapter.
h. Hunt Areas, Season Dates, Mortality Limit and Limitations.
Hunt Area
1, 2
3, 4
6, 7
8, 9, 10, 11
Sep. 15
Sep. 15
Sep. 15
Sep. 15
Sep. 15
Oct. 15
Sep. 15
Sep. 15
Season Dates
Mortality Limit
Dec. 31
Dec. 31
Dec. 31
Dec. 31
Dec. 31
Dec. 31
Mar. 31
Dec. 31
5; SEE SECTION 4 (i)
2; SEE SECTION 4 (j)

Gray Wolf 2024 Regs

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Gray Wolf 2024 Regs

Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 1
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 2
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 3
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 4
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 5
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 6
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 7
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 8
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 9
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 10
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 11
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 12
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 13
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 14
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 15
Gray Wolf 2024 Regs - 16