Travis Beam, Game and Fish aquatic invasive species specialist for the Laramie Region, collects a sample from a plankton tow at Wheatland No. 3 Reservoir. These surveys are conducted to detect for the possible presence if AIS in bodies of water across Wyoming. (Photo by Emalee Smith/WGFD) Game and Fish personnel place hair snares in bear habitat using scent lures to attract bears to the sites. The snares include a strand of wire stretched between trees at a height at which the bears must step over or crawl under, and a barb collects the hair for analysis. Wires are placed in a way to create a hair corral which bears must pass by if they are trying to inspect a scent lure. The lure does not provide a reward, but the scent attracts bears to the area. Genetic analysis of the hair samples determines the sex of each bear and how many individual bears came to the lure. Using models, biologists use that data to estimate the density of black bears in the area and couple this with harvest data to evaluate management objectives and population trends throughout the state. Fish biologists also have found ways to survey fish populations without having fish in hand. Fisheries managers can use hydroacoustic monitoring to better estimate fish populations in large bodies of water. This method involves sending a hydroacoustic signal into the water, which bounces off objects in the water and returns the information to a display. It's similar to a fish finder commonly seen on boats but on a larger scale. This method allows biologists to estimate fish abundance in lakes without having to capture fish. WHERE ARE THEY? Not every survey is conducted to estimate the size or composition of a population. Some wildlife surveys are designed to determine if an animal is present. This could be to see if wildlife are using specific areas after a habitat improvement project or to monitor for threatened or endangered species. Occurrence-based surveys are often used to determine if a potentially harmful species is present. A good example is monitoring for invasive species. Every year, Game and Fish technicians conduct plankton tows on waterbodies throughout Wyoming to monitor for invasives. These surveys involve collecting samples of water and organisms in a body of water and analyzing the samples for the presence of aquatic invasive species. Wyoming currently does not have any positive waters for harmful zebra and quagga mussels. These surveys help biologists to understand if these harmful mussels have been transported into the state and inform management decisions if they were to be detected. While observations can be useful when determining if an animal is present, it's not always the best way to detect occurrence. In some cases, animals are incredibly elusive and difficult to spot. The Great Plains toad is a good example. These amphibians spend Wyoming Wildlife | 29