December CONSERVING WILDLIFE - SERVING PEOPLE FEATURES 18 Wyoming redheads A memorable hunt leads to discoveries about these colorful and flavorful ducks. 24 Counting nature Wildlife surveys are one of the tools used to shape conservation strategies. 32 Bryan's gun One man's loss leaves others fulfilled. 18 24 ON THE COVER A favorite bird of the photographer, the Bohemian waxwing nests in the northern part of North America. During its nomadic, winter months this waxwing can be seen in Wyoming in search of fruits and berries. Traveling in small flocks or groups as large as several thousand, they show up in Sublette County around mid-November. This particular flock was foraging on rose hips at the edge of Fremont Lake. Settings used for this photo: Canon EOS R5, 1/250 sec, f/8, ISO 1250. (Photo by Elizabeth Boehm) Wildlife | 3 38 ON THE BACKPAGE During the first quarter of a University of Wyoming football game in Laramie in October, participants of the Wyoming Wildlife Fellowship program were honored for protecting the state's wildlife. This program is a collaboration between the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the Haub School of Natural Resources that strives to promote well-rounded and well-prepared wildlife and fisheries professionals through an immersive, supportive, hands-on education and work experience. (Photo by Patrick Owen/WGFD) 38 Protecting Wyoming's islands The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is doing a lot of work to keep AIS and fish pathogens out of its fish hatcheries and rearing stations. GIVE A GIFT REGULAR SECTIONS 2 From the Director 4 A Couple Pennies 5 Mailbag 6 8 Opening Shot News 12 Inspire a Kid 13 Project Profiles 14 Working Together 16 In the Field 46 Wild Country Dispatch Wyoming Wildlife | 3