Prior to a bank stabilization project at Scott's Bottom, the bank on that section of the river eroded and put sediment into the water. (Photo courtesy of Trout Unlimited) Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resources Trust Fund, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Partners Program, Ducks Unlimited, Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality and Seedskadee Trout Unlimited. Trout Unlimited also contributed funds earned from auctioning a Game and Fish Commissioners hunting license. " The fact that we had so many partners speaks to how good this project is and how many boxes it checks for a lot of people, " Walrath said. " From this project, we got good wetlands, water quality improvement, improved aquatic and riparian habitat and improvements on existing city infrastructure. " Trout Unlimited plans to monitor the area Workers began the task of improving the Scott's Bottom area of the Green River even with the presence of snow and ice. (Photo courtesy of Trout Unlimited) over the coming year to see how the area recovers from a large-scale project. This monitoring effort may provide hands-on learning opportunities for local students. Phase two of the project will include stabilizing 600-800 feet of river bank upstream of the Scott's Bottom Bridge. A start date has not been set and will depend on available funding. - Tracie Binkerd is the editor of Wyoming Wildlife magazine. Wyoming Wildlife | 15