Small critters like this Uinta ground squirrel can be seen along the Greys River. One of the unique aspects of the Greys is you can follow the river from its headwaters to its confluence in your vehicle. named Fred Pitchard was closing up shop when I arrived, but generously let me pick out a few flies and gave me some pointers. After the long drive in the dark, I set up camp in what appeared to be a large clearing near the river's origin. I pitched my tent and went to bed dreaming of cutthroat rising for my fly. I woke up in the morning to a surround-sound symphony of birds singing loudly outside my tent. As I opened the tent flap, what I could only guess at the night before became visible in the golden-morning light. I was in the middle of a huge alpine meadow filled with wildflowers as far as the eye could see, and only 100 yards away from the start of the river. The Greys, which has an average flow of 654 cubic feet per second, was now only a trickle of water seeping from the ground. No fish that I could see resided in this small flow of water, but within the first 4 miles from the origin several small streams and brooks converge into the river creating an ecosystem that held fish. I had a bite to eat and then eagerly proceeded to fish the upper Greys for the rest The start of the Greys River is small and oftentimes shallow. Wyoming Wildlife | 21 A mule deer forages for food along a stretch of the Greys River in western Wyoming.