INSPIRE A KID What the heck is a lek? FOR MORE ACTIVITIES AND INFORMATION FOR KIDS AND THE OUTDOORS GO TO THE WYOMING GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT'S INSPIRE A KID PAGE: HTTPS:// WGFD.WYO.GOV/GET-INVOLVED/ INSPIRE-A-KID Leks are a great place to view sage grouse in Wyoming. (WGFD photo) The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is busy in the spring. Part of the work biologists and volunteers do each spring is count how many sage grouse gather together to breed at special areas called leks. Each spring male sage grouse do a sunrise dance at leks to attract females. Leks are often found in open areas where the males can be better seen and heard by females. Because most of the male sage grouse in an area can be found at a lek, it is a good time to find out about how many sage grouse are in that area. Since lek counts have been happening in some parts of Wyoming since the late 1940s, biologists can get a good idea about whether sage grouse numbers are going up or down. March and April are the best months to visit a lek and see sage grouse. Game and Fish has a guide on where to find leks around Wyoming. It also includes tips to make sure that you do not bother the sage grouse at a lek. The guide can be viewed or downloaded from the Game and Fish website: https://wgfd. Sage-Grouse-Lek-Viewing-Guide. BEAR COLLECTION From field guides, puzzles and art work, the Game and Fish Store has a wide variety of bear-related merchandise available for purchase. WYOMING GAME AND FISH DEPT. ONLINE STORE SHOP ONLINE at or call 1-800 LIV-WILD 12 | March 2022