Don't let it loose! don't let it loose! For many years, person from school to watch their goldfish action/verb , every day. same person often reminded them of the many responsibilities of caring for a goldfish. Responsibilities like cleaning the goldfish's item After same person get one. same person number bigger than 100 dollars. It was on sale! Like they were told to do, same person goldfish food daily and cleaned the goldfish's bigger than a(n) After number . something very big weeks, same person and forgot to care for their goldfish. The goldfish's tank turned object . Pee-yew! same person was emotion color that they did not care for the goldfish properly and thought it would be happier elsewhere, like in the wild. They decided to let it loose near the . location became too busy with activity and smelled like a body part every week. Before long, the goldfish was fed their was so excited to finally pick up their new goldfish from the store for only every week and feeding the goldfish food 's family, however, Fill in the blank spaces on both pages before you read the story. Be creative and invite friends to join you! dreamed of owning a goldfish. They always imagined coming home every day. promised to care for the goldfish responsibly, their family agreed to let them 4