Curly ponDweed Curly pondweed Curly pondweed grows FAST - much faster than native plants. It can grow 4 inches per day and up to 15 feet long! Curly pondweed leaves have wavy edges. The long strands of aquatic plants can get caught in boat motors, anchors and fishing gear. Aquatic plants grow in shallow areas near beaches and docks. They can fill up swimming areas and prevent recreation. It can be dangerous to swim in dense groups of plants. nvasive carp There are four kinds of carp listed as AIS in Wyoming: bighead, silver, black and grass carp. These species can weigh 40-50 pounds - similar to a medium-sized dog. People brought invasive carp to the U.S. for food and to help clean water. Some swim to or are released in new areas. Invasive carp can spread quickly and use up all the resources other fish need. Silver carp can jump high out of the water when boats are nearby, sometimes hurting boaters. i Invasive carp Corbicula clams rusty Crayfishusty cra These clams grow to about one square inch. They have thick rings along their hard shells and are yellowish-brown. People move them to eat or by accident. Clams can release thousands of babies every year. The babies float downstream and infest new areas. These clams use resources like food and oxygen that native species need. Corbicula burrow deep in the sand or mud at the bottom of lakes and rivers. They grow to 5 inches long. Their name comes from the bright-red spots on either side of their body, behind their claws. People often move crayfish to use them as bait for fishing or to keep for later meals. Crayfish can also crawl between water bodies on their own. Rusty crayfish grow bigger and faster than native crayfish. They eat lots of different foods, so they can always find a meal! 7