Environmental Engineer Fall 2012 - 28

Academy News continued from page 9

Encourage Your Colleagues to Share the Commitment to Protect the Environment

Mark Your Calendar - Upcoming Events
January 29-31, 2013, 16th Annual LMOP Conference & Project Expo, Hilton Baltimore. AAEES will be hosting a presentation and will have an exhibit. Details: http:// www.epa.gov/lmop/workshops/16th.html. February 5, 2013, AAEES/NYWEA Breakfast, at the NYWEA 85th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, February 4-6, 2013, New York Marriott Marquis, New York City. The speaker will be Kathryn Garcia, COO, NYC-DEP, Topic: “Disaster Management/Restoration/Preparation”. April 25, 2013, AAEES E3 Awards Luncheon and Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC. Keynote speaker (invited): Lisa Jackson May 13, 2013, AAEES’s 4th Annual Preconference Workshop (with TCHs, PDHs and CEUs); includes breakfast and/or lunch at NJWEA’s 98th Annual Conference May 13-17, Atlantic City, NJ: Topic TBA. For registration or exhibitor information, visit www.njwea.org. May 15, 2013, AAEES’s 5th Annual Breakfast at NJWEA’s 98th Annual Conference. Speaker and Topic TBA. June 12, 2013, AAEES/AIDIS/AWWA luncheon featuring keynote speaker Brian Good, deputy manager of organizational improvement, Denver Water, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Topic: “Lean Methodology,” at the AWWA ACE13 Conference, June 9-13, Denver.

It’s time to encourage your colleagues and associates to apply to become an AAEE Board Certified Environmental Engineer, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member, or Board Certified Environmental Scientist. You probably applied because someone who is committed to excellence encouraged you to do so. Please make an effort to share the recognition and the commitment. Help a colleague(s) who deserves to be recognized for their dedication. For application details, visit AAEE and click on Membership, or contact Sammi Olmo at jsolmo@aaee.net.

Have Your Responsibilities Increased?

Underscore your expanded skill sets by adding a second or third specialty certification to your existing Board Certification. The number of BCEEs and BCEEMs certifying in additional specialties grew 8 percent this year. The highest demand in additional specialties is Environmental Sustainability followed by Hazardous Waste, then Solid Waste. An additional specialty adds a nominal increase in annual recertification fees (application and examination fees apply) and a significant increase in your verified competencies. To apply for a second or third specialty, log in to the AAEE Center, go to Shop AAEE, and click on Application for Board Certification. Be sure to check the appropriate box designating an additional specialty. Since we already have your data; you only need fill out the basic information and add your experience in the additional specialty area!

Host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in Your Locale

If you would like to host an AAEE workshop or seminar in your local area, email jsolmo@aaee.net or jcava@aaee.net. Be sure to give her an approximate date, suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here. 1. Select a Topic of Regional Interest. 2. Select A Speaker You’d Like to Hear Discuss the Topic. 3. Select A Location. Agencies and Universities make terrific venues. Inspired? Contact the AAEES Seminars and Workshops Committee for support. The AAEES Seminars and Workshops Committee has developed materials to help State Representatives organize interesting regional venues that contribute directly to the goals of the Academy. Please feel free to contact the Chair with your thoughts (Wendy Wert wwert@lacsd.org 562.908.4288 x2737).

Send AAEES Your Marketing Director’s Contact Information

The Academy is creating a contact list of marketing directors to support our plans to improve awareness of Academy members and stakeholders and their significant achievements in environmental engineering and science. Please ask your marketing director to create a free account in the AAEE Center and complete the New Vistor Registration Form with his or her name, title, organization, address, city, state, zip code, phone, and email address. Your Marketing person should select the option: “Click here if you are a Marketing Director (or similar).”


Environmental Engineer: News, Current Events & Careers

V 48, N 4 | Fall 2012


Environmental Engineer Fall 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Environmental Engineer Fall 2012

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