Environmental Engineer Fall 2012 - 4

President’s Page

Michael W. Selna, P.E., BCEE

Looking Back…and Looking Forward


ronment Federation on the impacts of climate change on water and aving lived my entire life in California and being privileged to visit many of our National Parks, I’ve taken wastewater infrastructure. From that single event, we have grown to quite a few spectacular mountain hikes. With your envi- 10-15 events per year presenting topics designed to span several disronmental focus, I am sure many of you have as well. ciplines. In July 2012, the Academy partnered with the Association When we hike a mountain ascent, we often stop partway up and of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) to look down at where we started and are amazed at the distance we provide a national conference for university Department and Program have covered and the elevation gain. In our hiking group we often Chairs in Environmental Engineering programs. In September 2012, look at each other and say, “Can you believe we’ve come this far?” the Academy held its first webinar, which reached over 300 people, We are always thankful that we took a moment to stop, some of us on the subject of hydraulic fracturing, a topic that impacts both the because we need to catch our breath, but, to the person, we are environment and our national energy policy. These events have proud of our progress. the dual benefit of providing professional training and At this year’s WEFTEC AAEES Breakfast, I made raising the visibility of the Academy. a presentation about what the Academy had Sponsoring and Affiliate Organizations accomplished in the past few years. A number We continue to work closely with the Sponof people cornered me after the presentation We have tremendous soring Organizations (SOs) of the Academy and, like the hikers who were surprised at momentum, largely due to that not only participate in the governance of their progress, said they were amazed to see the high energy volunteers AAEES but also provide numerous opportuhow the Academy had grown in terms of its contributions to the profession. in our committee and State nities for collaboration. The Academy’s SOs include: A&WMA, AEESP, AIChE, APHA, In the first President’s Page this year, I Representative ranks. APWA, ASCE, ASEE, ASME, AWWA, NSPE, outlined four areas where I felt growth was SWANA, and WEF. I am happy to report that needed: all 12 SOs are active and making positive contribu1. Recognition of volunteers, tions to the success of the Academy. 2. AAEES’ visibility in the profession, 3. Value of certification, and Affiliate Organizations 4. Understanding by our members of what the Academy has Affiliate Organizations are relatively new. In 2012, AAEES has accomplished and where it is headed. formed Affiliate relationships with NAEM (National Association of My first three messages dealt with points 1-3; this final article deals Environmental Managers), NEHA (National Environmental Health with point 4. Association), and NACWA (National Association of Clean Water Agencies). Affiliates do not participate in governance but provide AAEES Advances many opportunities for collaboration through website notices and joint training events. Certification of Environmental Scientists The Academy’s most significant development is the completion Service to the Profession of the multi-year process of creating a new certification for EnvironAAEES is leading an effort to provide a simple, direct message mental Scientists. This move is reflective of the way our profession has evolved, with multi-disciplinary teams of engineers and scientists on the need to use Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) in the procurement of engineering services. The Academy’s Selection and collaborating on projects. Environmental scientist volunteers have Career Guide has for many years provided guidance in the preparaalready created the exams for eight specialty areas. Our organization of RFP’s that promotes a QBS approach. The Academy’s tion will change its name effective January 1, 2013 to the American Board Certifications provide assurance of high level qualifications, Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES). in keeping with QBS. The message being developed by a special committee formed for this purpose is intended to reach public Workshops/Webinars/Conferences works directors, engineers and procurement professionals as well With the formation of the Seminars and Workshops Committee as the decision makers to whom they report. Vehicles of dissemiin 2008, the Academy began offering networking educational events primarily in conjunction with its Sponsoring Organizations. The first nation include social media and web-based communications. A event in 2008 was a joint specialty conference with the Water Enviparallel effort is underway to encourage more public agencies to 4
Environmental Engineer: News, Current Events & Careers V 48, N 4 | Fall 2012


Environmental Engineer Fall 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Environmental Engineer Fall 2012

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