Environmental Engineer Fall 2012 - 6

Executive Director’s Page
The Ball Is in Your Court...

Joseph S. Cavarretta, CAE


rom now to March 31, 2013, the Academy will be reaching out to you with the following opportunities:

on it will give you another chance to win. Our goal for this year is 180 applicants—less than 1 applicant for every 14 certified members.

Encourage	qualified	BCEE	and	BCES	candidates	to	apply	 Enter the Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Competition for specialty certification. (Deadline: March 31, 2013.) One of the Academy’s objectives is to identify and promote •	 Submit	your	best	environmental	engineering	and	science	 advanced technologies, treatment, innovations in sustainability and projects for the Excellence in Environmental Engineering other solutions to challenging environmental issues for the benefit of and Science (E3) competition. (Deadline: February 1, the public and those who serve it. Over the years, the Academy’s Ex2013.) cellence in Environmental Engineering Awards (now called the •	 Purchase	a	listing	in	the	2013	Environmental	 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Engineering and Science Selection & Career Awards [E3]) competition has effectively achieved Guide. (Deadline: February 15, 2013.) this objective, bringing revolutionary design •	 Submit	your	best	public	relations	 The Academy is concepts and successful projects to the attention education efforts for environmental of those seeking solutions. Winners receive growing in scope and engineering and science projects to the Environmental Communicabreadth. Board Certified trophies and recognition at the Academy’s Awards Luncheon, April 25, 2013, at the tions Award competition. (Deadmembers and the value National Press Club, Washington, DC. They line: March 1, 2013.) are published in the quarterly periodical Envithey bring are being Encourage Qualified Individuals to ronmental Engineer and Scientist and receive recognized more than recognition worldwide. Winners qualify for exApply for Certification ever before. clusive entry to the International Water AssociaFor 2013, the opportunities to recommend tion’s biannual Project Innovation Awards. Some qualified applicants for specialty certification have winners are also called upon to provide a technical never been greater. Candidates can apply for Board presentation of their winning entry during the conference Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE), Board Certiportion of the event, which is held before and after the high-profile fied Environmental Engineering Members (BCEEM) or Board luncheon. If your projects are breaking new ground, this is the Certified Environmental Scientist (BCES), depending upon their forum for distinguished recognition by clients and peers. For details education and experience. Your reward is the knowledge that you about the easy electronic submission and to reserve an entry, contact are performing a valuable service for the public, for the professions Sammi Olmo, 410.266.3311, or email jsolmo@aaee.net. of environmental engineering and environmental science, and for contemporaries. Who inspired you to apply for specialty certificaReserve a Listing in the Environmental Engineering tion? This is your chance to return the favor by inspiring qualified and Science Selection and Career Guide associates and colleagues or friends to obtain their credentials. For There is no hotter guide in the industry for selecting highly 2013, please identify and “adopt” two or more qualified candidates. qualified environmental engineers and environmental scientists than Most applicants need about three reminders during the Application Cycle (through March 31), so set a reminder to yourself to call candi- the AAEES Environmental Engineering and Science Selection and dates every two weeks and encourage them. Need help? You can find Career Guide. Additional features of the guide include listings of ABET-accredited environmental engineering programs at colleges recruitment tools on the AAEES Home Page: www.aaee.net, or you and universities and a handy RFP template for those seeking envimay contact me at jcava@aaee.net or 410.266.3311 for assistance. ronmental engineering services. Published in April and distributed Win a Prize! 365 days of the year, last year’s guide was downloaded by more than Be sure your candidates add your name to their application 2,300 unique visitors to the Academy’s web site, and the Acadforms. As a token of gratitude, the Academy is offering existing emy distributed 4,000 print copies to decision makers of federal, members a drawing for valuable prizes such as a Mini I-pad or other state, and local agencies, consulting firms, industrial EHS departpopular items to be determined. Each application with your name ments, and public works officials as well as to career-seeking college


Environmental Engineer: News, Current Events & Careers

V 48, N 4 | Fall 2012


Environmental Engineer Fall 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Environmental Engineer Fall 2012

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