People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 4

from the executive editor

To Your Health!


ust as millions of glasses were being raised
to welcome in a successful, prosperous,
and healthy New Year, at People &Strategy
we were putting the finishing touches on the
Winter 2015 issue focused on organizational
health and wellness. We set out to design a
special "health" volume timing it for the
moment of year's renewal. We felt strongly
about the priority of the topic bringing attention to the paradigm shift that is under way in
our organizations. Well-being, mindfulness,
and health in the workplace are those hidden
dimensions in the complex makeup of companies that are now finally getting the spotlight
they deserve.
What we present in these pages is a lineup of
feature articles, a selection of point and counterpoint discussions, thought and practice
leader interviews, and case studies on the topic
of organizational health and wellness. All of
our authors demonstrate persuasively that
organizational health focus is no longer a passing fad, nor a revolution, but rather a logical
part of organizational transformation. From



science and research, it is now an established
organizational practice-one that has begun
to matter even more as we have learned how
to measure it and show for it through data and
analysis that supports our business case.
Furthermore, we have reached the tipping
point where all of the good research and years
of discovery are turning into bona fide practices and gaining long overdue recognition and
acceptance in the strategic practitioner ranks.
It took a village to bring this special issue to
fruition. We invited the Organizational Health
Solution Practice at McKinsey & Co. to partner with us in exploring this topic together.
Not only did our collaboration help us shine
the spotlight on the tools, accumulated evidence, and science they have brought to the
discussion, but they also showcased the solutions grounded in McKinsey's own daily
experience in working with companies who
are looking to improve their organization
health solution practice to help them effect
positive change. What mattered to us most was

that as collaborators, we shared the same passion and conviction about the importance of
the message we were crafting together.
We are plentifully aware as the ink is drying
off this journal's pages that as with all New
Year's resolutions, this one might not be as
easy and seamless to follow through on. It may
go the way of other year's start wishes. In fact,
we realize that these new year commitments
classically demonstrate how change does not
happen overnight. This one, we trust, is here
to stay. The number of companies joining the
movement, embracing the new science, and
refreshing their world outlook is growing
every day. With this issue of the People and
Strategy journal, we welcome the trend and
extend the invitation to our members and to
our readers to join in the movement.
Dr. Anna A. Tavis


People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1

People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - Cover1
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - Cover2
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 1
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 2
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 3
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 4
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 5
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 6
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 7
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 8
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 9
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 10
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 11
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 12
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 13
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 14
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 15
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 16
People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - 17
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People & Strategy Winter 2015 Vol. 38 Issue 1 - Cover3
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