IN NETWORK Cross Connections API Oil Matters Guide: Info We Should Know by Heart By Kevin Ferrick A merican Petroleum Institute (API) recently revised its Oil Matters Guide to include API SN with SN PLUS. API-licensed oil marketers should have received the latest version with their 2018 API licenses, but some might have left the unopened package in their inboxes. The revised guide provides important information about the API marks and current API and International Lubricant Specification Advisory Committee (ILSAC) oil standards that all oil marketers should know by heart. Oils displaying these marks meet performance requirements set by U.S. and international vehicle and engine manufacturers and the lubricant industry. Hundreds of companies worldwide participate in this voluntary program, which is backed by a marketplace sampling and testing program. THE API CERTIFICATION MARK: THE 'STARBURST' An oil displaying this mark meets the current engine protection standard and fuel economy requirements of ILSAC, which is a joint effort of U.S. and Japanese automobile manufacturers. Automobile manufacturers recommend oils that carry the API Certification Mark. 60 OCTOBER 2018 | COMPOUNDINGS | ILMA.ORG THE API SERVICE SYMBOL: THE 'DONUT' Performance Level For motor oils designed for cars and vans and those under API's "S" (service) categories. Motor oils designed for heavyduty trucks and vehicles with diesel engines fall under API's "C" (commercial) categories. Viscosity Grade The measure of an oil's ability to flow at certain temperatures. Vehicle requirements may vary. Follow your vehicle manufacturer's recommendations on Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) oil viscosity. Resource Conserving "Resource conserving" applies to oils intended for gasolineengine cars, vans and light trucks. Widespread use of "resource conserving" oils may result in an overall savings of fuel in the vehicle fleet as a whole. Multiple Performance Levels Oils designed for diesel that meet gasoline engine service. For these oils, the designation is "C" category first, followed by the "S" category. "C" category oils have been formulated primarily for diesel engines and might not provide all of the performance requirements consistent with vehicle manufacturers' recommendations for gasoline-fueled engines.http://www.ILMA.ORG