LAUNCH GRADE 11: TAKE ACTION! financial aid game calendar You might want to write the following on a piece of chart paper in a more attractive manner. AUGUST * it's time to move in to your new dorm! Pay $5,000 for this semester's housing and meals. SEPTEMBER * Classes are about to begin! Go to the registrar's office and register for your chosen classes. Pay $2,000 for this semester's tuition! * You just got your syllabus for all your classes. (Note: A syllabus is a list of all of the books you need for the class as well as all of the assignments for the semester and when they are due. A syllabus also tells you how to contact the professor and when he/she holds office hours. It may also define all of the attendance expectations and how the final grade is calculated.) Go to the bookstore and spend $500 for this semester's books. OCTOBER * Midterm exams are right around the corner. Pull an all-nighter and pay $20 for pizza. * Your history professor requires a visit to the museum. Pay $10 for admission. NOVEMBER * it's thanksgiving! Pay $300 for an airplane flight home. * Call a cab to take you to the airport. Pay $30. DECEMBER * You passed all your finals! Pay $50 to celebrate at your favorite local night spot. * Buy gifts for your family and friends. Pay $100. * Share a ride home with a friend. Pay $100 for gas. JANUARY * Second semester is starting! * Pay $5,000 for this semester's housing and meals. * Pay $2,000 for this semester's tuition. * Go to the bookstore and spend $500 for this semester's books. FEBRUARY * Spring break is here! Pay $200 for a flight to Cancun. * Pay $100 for a hotel and food there. MARCH * Midterms again? APRIL * Spring is here and you need to get outdoors. Spend $200 on a new bike and ride around town. MAY * Congratulations! You made it. Finals are over and you passed! * the semester ends and it's time to have fun! Celebrate with $100. * time to find a summer job and get ready to pay for it all again next year! 288 LESSon 27: introDuCtion to FinAnCiAL AiD