LAUNCH GRADE 11: TAKE ACTION! collaborative activity: 11th grade roadmap (10 minutes) OBJECTIVE: STUDEnTS WILL OUTLInE THE mAJOR OUTCOmES OF THE CLASS . Provide students with a copy of the 11th Grade Roadmap� Explain to students that this Roadmap outlines all of the major topics covered in this class . DIFFERENTIATION SUGGESTIONS * Photocopy the blank KWL chart on an overhead transparency or draw a similar chart on a piece of chart paper . Keep track of student responses on the board to engage visual learners . break students into 8 small groups . Assign each group one of the products on the roadmap: * Group 1: Postsecondary Plan - What do you know about life after high school? What do you want to know? * Group 2: 11th Grade Action Plan - What do you know about the importance of junior year? What do you want to know? * Group 3: Letter of Recommendation - What do you know about references? What do you want to know? * Group 4: Personal Statement - What do you know about personal statements? What do you want to know? * Group 5: SAT/ACT and Standardized Tests - What do you know about these tests? What do you want to know? * Group 6: College List - What do you know about college? What do you want to know? * Group 7: Personal Financial Portfolio - What do you know about financial aid? What do you want to know? * Group 8: Resume - What do you know about resumes? What do you want to know? Give each group 5 minutes to collaboratively fill in the KWL chart� Students should fill in only the "Know" and "Want to know" columns at this time . Each group should be prepared to share their answers with the rest of the class . When time is up, ask each group to share what they already KnOW and what they WAnT to know about each product . Have students keep track of what the class "knows" and "wants to know" in their books . whole group discussion: class ground rules (10-20 minutes) OBJECTIVE: STUDEnTS WILL COmE TO AGREEmEnT On THE GROUnD RULES FOR THE CLASS . Explain to students that they will be working together this year to fill in their KWL charts - that is, they will be working as a collaborative group to learn everything they need to know to make it through 11th grade successfully . Explain to students that they will need to set some Ground Rules� Explain that ground rules are like guidelines that a working group follows in order to ensure that all group members feel safe, supported, and respected . Point out the blank chart you created before class titled "Ground Rules for ." Remind students of the terms and rules they discussed in the motivation . Ask students the following questions, and record student responses on the chart: 6 LESSOn 1: WELCOmE TO LAUnCH