STEP 1: Discuss the history and purpose of federal financial aid. Unit 3: Apply STUDENT HANDOUT warm-up: is education a right or a privilege? Consider the two statements below. Choose the statement which most closely reflects your personal belief, and use it to begin a freewrite. Discuss why you believe the statement to be true, and list all of the reasons you can think of to support your argument. Statement A: Higher education is a RIGHT. We should pass laws that increase funding to ensure that everyone can exercise that right. Statement B: Higher education is a PRIVILEGE. We should pass laws to help people access that privilege, but we cannot afford to fund every American's higher education. Freewrite T IT OU r n a ucatio d e e with high cuss is ess to c D c a ? Is ivilege t the r a pr nd lis a , right o s e t lassma ides. your c both s r o f e c n evide TALK Higher education is a right. Higher education is a privilege. LESSON 15: YOUR FAFSA AND STATE AID APPLICATIONS 15: Your FAFSA and State Aid Applications Property of PeerForward/© 2020 PeerForward; Alllesson Rights Reserved. 241