LAUNCH GRADE 9: CLEAN SLATE collaborative activity: 9th grade roadmap (10 minutes) OBJECTIVE: sTUDenTs WILL OUTLIne THe mAJOR OUTCOmes OF THe CLAss . Provide students with a copy of the Roadmap that outlines all of the major projects and assignments they will be completing together in the class . break students into six small groups . Assign each group one of the products on the roadmap: * Group 1: Academic Success Chain of Events - What do you already know about being academically successful? What do you want to know? * Group 2: Study Skills Strategies Project - What do you already know about studying? What do you want to know? * Group 3: Annotated Life Roadmap - What do you already know about how your life experiences have shaped you? What do you want to know? * Group 4: Career Clusters Comparison Report - What do you already know about your career options? What do you want to know? * Group 5: Programs and Majors Project - What do you already know about your college options? What do you want to know? * Group 6: Short- and Long-Term Savings Goals Projects - What do you already know about saving money? What do you want to know? Give each group five minutes to collaboratively fill in the KWL chart in Lesson 1 . students should fill in only the "Know" and "Want to know" columns at this time . each group should be prepared to share their answers with the rest of the class . When time is up, ask each group to share what they already KnOW and what they WAnT to know about each product . Have students keep track of what the class "knows" and "wants to know" in their books . explain to students that they will be working together this year to fill in the "Learned" column on their KWL charts - that is, they will be working as a collaborative group to learn everything they need to know to make it through 9th grade successfully . whole group discussion: class ground rules (10-20 minutes) OBJECTIVE: sTUDenTs WILL COme TO AGReemenT On THe GROUnD RULes FOR THe CLAss . Work together to set some ground rules for the year . explain that ground rules are like guidelines that a working group follows in order to ensure that all group members feel safe, supported, and respected . Point out the blank chart you created before class titled "Ground Rules for _____ ." Remind students of the teams and rules they discussed in the motivation . Ask students the following questions, and record student responses on the chart: * What ground rules should we have in order for the class to be safe for everyone? * In order for everyone to feel supported? * In order for everyone to feel respected? Once you've captured all of the students' responses on the chart, ask the class: * Are there any ground rules here that seem similar? - If there are, combine ground rules and cross out duplicates . * Are there any ground rules here that we don't want to hold ourselves accountable to? - Cross these out . 6 LessOn 1: WeLCOme TO LAUnCH