112 | 2023 Analysis of Workers' Compensation Laws Chart XI-Administration: Notice to Employer and Claims, cont. Jurisdiction Administration Notice to Employer Nova Scotia Workers' Compensation Board Ontario Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Prince Edward Island Workers' Compensation Board As soon as practicable Worker to provide notice to employer as soon as practicable As soon as practicable Claim Filing Within 12 months. Failure to give notice may be waived, but only within five years from date of accident. Employer files notice within three days; worker files claim within six months. Within six months after date of accident or death. How Claims Are Settled Award Effect By case worker Review by Agency Fund pays award for regularly classified employers. By board Fund pays benefit for Schedule 1 employers; Schedule 2 employers are individually liable. By entitlement officers or case coordinators41 Fund pays award. Reconsideration by Board within 90 days of decision; request for an appeal following a reconsideration decision must be made to an external appeal tribunal within 30 days of the decision. Québec Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail Saskatchewan Yukon Territory Workers' Compensation Board Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board As soon as practicable after injury or knowledge of occupational disease As soon as practicable; excusable Worker to provide notice within a reasonable time Within six months after injury, death, or from first knowledge of the manifestation of occupational disease. Employer-within five days of awareness of injury. Worker-within six months of injury; excusable. Within one year of date injury arose or death. By commission Fund pays award; individual liability for employers held personally responsible for the payment of benefits. By claims entitlement specialists or case managers. By claims decision-makers. Fund pays award. Contestation possible within 30 days of decision; reconsideration by board within 90 days of decision or knowledge of an essential fact.42 At any time43 By board Appeals to internal hearing officers, external appeals to Appeals Tribunal At any time Modifications By board Attorney's Fees Free assistance of governmentappointed workers' advisors available to clients. Fees paid by Accident Fund. By board Free assistance available through the Office of the Worker Advisor and the Office of the Employer Advisor (primarily for small employers). Free assistance available through worker and employer advisor programs. Board does not pay attorney fees. By commission By board Office of Workers' Advocate and provincial ombudsman offer assistance to workers with claims. Fund pays award. 24 months from decision By board Office of Workers' Advocate provides assistance without charge. Board does not pay attorney fees.