2023 Analysis of Workers' Compensation Laws | 83 Chart IX-Waiting Period for Income/Medical Benefits, cont. Jurisdiction Waiting Period1 Retroactive Period Georgia Seven days 21 days Unlimited2 Unlimited for date of injuries (DOIs) before 6/30/13. For DOIs after 7/1/13, 400 weeks limitation except for catastrophic injuries and for repair or replacement of prosthetic devices, spinal cord stimulators, and certain durable medical equipment. Hawaii Idaho Illinois Three days-TT Five days15 Three days16 Two weeks15 Two weeks Yes Yes Yes Yes May use preferred provider. Employer may establish a preferred provider program. If an employee does not utilize the established preferred provider program, he or she will be limited to one free choice of physician outside of the network. Indiana Seven days Three weeks Yes Yes Yes May petition Commission. Yes, with limitations Yes Yes Yes Maximum monthly attendant's allowance is four times state AWW. Christian Science treatment permitted. Spiritual treatment by agreement. Employer must repair or replace appliances damaged in compensable accident. Choice of Physician Employer Agency may change at employer's or employee's request. Artificial Employee Employee has choice from valid panel and is allowed one change-if panel invalid, any physician permitted with one change. Appliances Furnished Yes14 Medical Benefits Special Provisions Employers-unlimited IMEs as long as employee claiming benefits. Employees-one employer-paid IME within 60 days of receipt of benefits. Employer must reimburse employees based on their average daily wage for lost work due to medical treatments or travel to or from the place of treatment. Spiritual treatment by agreement. Artificial members replaced by Second Injury Fund. Iowa Kansas Kentucky21 Three days17 Seven days18 Seven days 14 days 21 consecutive days18 Two weeks Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes May provide managed health care system 19 Yes Yes Yes22 Yes Employer must repair or replace appliances. Prayer or spiritual treatment permitted by agreement.20 Managed care system is subject to utilization review. Employee may choose provider in system, obtain second opinion if surgery is recommended, and obtain treatment outside the system if unavailable in the system.