Chart VI-Income Benefits for Total Disability, cont. Maximum Weekly Payment Minimum Weekly Payment Percentage Jurisdiction of Wages Amount ($)1 Rate (%)2 Amount ($)1 Rate (%)2 Time Limit Pennsylvania 662/3 978 100 543.32 90% of AWW if AWW is $517.77 or less TT- disability PT- disability, up to 500 weeks Rhode Island 75 (of spendable income) 1,25339 125 state AWW South Carolina 662/3 838.21 100 753 South Dakota 662/3 762 100 381 503 TT- disability PT-life Tennessee 662/3 92942 100 139.35 15 TT-450 weeks PT- eligibility for old-age Social Security. None Texas TT-70 PT-75 PP-7043 938 100 14144 15 TT-104 weeks PT-for life PP-401 weeks 45 Utah 662/3 $879 TT-100 PT-85 45 PT minimum is 36% of state AWW TT/PP-312 weeks PT-life46 Vermont 662/3 1,311 150 437 50 Disability48 Amount Limit ($) Disability 500 weeks41 Automatic Cost-ofLiving Increase Offsets Notations Unemployment compensation, old-age Social Security, and certain severance and pension payments Claimants suffering injuries after 6/24/96 who receive TT for 104 weeks may be required to undergo an impairment rating evaluation, requested by insurer within 60 days following expiration of the 104 weeks of receipt of benefit by claimant to determine degree of impairment utilizing AMA Guides. A disability rating of less than 50% will result in compensation reduction from total to partial status. Increases effective 5/10 and based on CPI for employees receiving TT/ PT for one year or TP/ PP extending beyond 312 weeks Annual increase in maximum effective 9/1. Additional $15 per dependent child younger than 18; younger than 23 if in an accredited institution. Total benefit may not exceed 80% of pre-injury wages.40 403,460 Annual increase in maximum effective 1/1. All PT claims Annual increase in maximum effective 7/1. LTD fully funded by employer 3% for PT Annual increase in maximum effective 7/1. Compensation may be increased 25% for failure to pay claim. Maximum and minimum benefits in effect on date of injury applicable the entire time benefits are payable. Claimant is presumed intoxicated if tests positive for a controlled substance. Annual increase in maximum effective 7/1. Additional $20 for spouse, plus $20 per dependent child younger than 18 (up to four); total benefit may not exceed maximum.47 Annually on 7/1 2019 Analysis of Workers' Compensation Laws | 57 Benefits may be disallowed if injury occurs during worker's intoxication or results from worker's intent to injure or failure to use provided safety device.