Chart IV-Coverage of Occupational Diseases, cont. Jurisdiction Nature of Coverage1 Medical Boards Onset of Disability or Death Time Limit on Claim Filing Deductions From Death Awards Medical Care Compensation2 38 | 2020 Analysis of Workers' Compensation Laws Pennsylvania All diseases IME may be ordered. Within 300 weeks of last exposure (except death following disability that occurs within 300 weeks of last exposure). Silicosis, anthracosilicosis, or coal miner's pneumoconiosis-must be in-state exposure in two years during 10 years preceding disability. The later of the following dates: (a) within one year from date first discovered, or in exercise of reasonable care should have discovered, the occupational disease; or (b) one year from date of disability or being informed by a physician that worker is suffering from occupational disease. Unlimited Same as for accidents.28 Rhode Island All diseases Medical Advisory Board may order IME by one or more impartial physicians. Within two years of disability or employee's knowledge related to employment. Unlimited Same as for accidents. South Carolina All diseases Medical Board may be used or Commission can order third-party medical provider to review; pulmonary cases may be referred to pulmonary specialist of state medical universities. Within one year of last exposure, except radiation. Pulmonary dust disease-within two years. Byssinosis-within seven years of last exposure. Within two years of diagnosis or death. Radiation-limitation runs from date of disability and claimant should know relation to employment. Disability payments Unlimited Same as for accidents. Worker who is affected but not disabled may waive compensation (except radiation). South Dakota All diseases Division may contract with physicians for reports. Silicosis-must be in-state exposure within two years (in-state requirement waived if same employer); employer liable only if exposure lasts at least 60 days. Within two years of disability or death. Radiation-within one year of disability and claimant should know relation to employment. PT payments Unlimited Same as for accidents. No PP disability for silicosis.29 Tennessee All diseases Within one year of disability or death. Same as for accidents Unlimited Same as for accidents. Texas All diseases arising out of and in the course of employment Within one year of the date the employee knew or should have known the disease is related to the employment. Same as for accidents Same as for accidents. Utah All diseases Within 180 days from the date on which worker has knowledge or reasonably should have had knowledge of relation to employment. Within six years of knowledge of relation to employment. Death-within one year. Unlimited Same as for accidents. Possible apportionment of both indemnity and medical benefits awarded.30 Vermont All diseases Within two years of the date the occupational disease is reasonably discoverable and apparent. Unlimited Same as for accidents. Virginia All diseases; some ordinary diseases of life under usual evidentiary standards of proof31 Pneumoconiosis-exposure in 90 work shifts conclusive as to injurious exposure. Within two years of diagnosis or within five years of last injurious exposure, whichever is first.32 Death-within three years. Unlimited Same as for accidents.33 Worker who is affected but not disabled may waive compensation, subject to approval of commission. Disability payments