NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 20

electroindustry news
› A Refreshed Web Look at MITA
NEMA’s medical division, the Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA), will debut its revamped web presence this month as part of the trade association’s mission to tell the unique story of medical imaging equipment manufacturers, innovators, and product developers. Still found at, MITA’s digital voice will provide users with insight, information, and viewpoints on the legislative and regulatory landscape. It will also serve as a forum for showcasing imaging manufacturers’ rich innovation story, contributions to medicine, and vital economic role in communities across America. “Bringing value to members in today’s marketplace requires a digital presence that can engage viewers, educate them about diagnostic and therapeutic imaging, and provide sources to which they can turn for additional information. And I think this site will do just that,” said Dave Fisher, MITA’s executive director, who will begin hosting a blog on the site later this summer. Mr. Fisher said one of the aspects of MITA’s new web presence that excites him most is the ability to exhibit actual scans that have revolutionized medicine. “Our member companies innovate equipment that produce the most stunning images inside the human body imaginable, and I’m looking forward to this website’s ability to help show and tell the story of those images to our key stakeholders,” he said. ei Lindsay Morris, Director, Government Relations, MITA |

› Manufacturer Funded Recycling Program Surpasses 1,000,000 Thermostats
Thermostat Recycling Corporation (TRC) collected its one millionth mercury thermostat in the first quarter of 2010. Through its efforts, TRC has diverted more than 4.67 tons of mercury from solid waste since its inception. Founded by NEMA member companies Emerson/White-Rodgers, General Electric, and Honeywell, TRC has been voluntarily collecting waste mercury thermostats nationwide since 2000. “TRC is pleased to report that it reached an important milestone, having now recovered more than one million thermostats,” said Mark Tibbetts, NEMA staff and executive director of TRC. “Reaching this goal represents TRC’s member companies’ continuing commitment to the environment.” Though financially supported by thermostat manufacturers, the success of the TRC program depends on participation and support from multiple stakeholders within the supply chain and state regulatory agencies. The notion of shared responsibility is apparent in the passage of the Mercury Thermostat Control Act in Illinois. NEMA, TRC, and Honeywell worked collaboratively with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Environmental Law and Policy Center in developing the legislation. During negotiations, manufacturers worked to ensure the legislation followed an industry-supported shared responsibility model that looks to involve all stakeholders “Participation of all stakeholders involved is essential as we work to recover as many mercury-containing thermostats as possible,” said Mr. Tibbetts. “Each stakeholder has a role to play in increasing the recovery rate of waste mercury thermostats, and the Illinois legislation reflects this need.” ei Virginia Borcherdt, Marketing and Outreach, Thermostat Recycling Corporation |


NEMA electroindustry


July 2010


NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010

NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - i
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - c1
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - c2
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 1
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 2
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 3
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 4
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 5
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 6
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 7
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 8
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 9
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 10
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 11
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 12
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 13
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 14
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 15
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 16
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 17
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 18
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 19
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 20
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 21
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NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 24
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NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - c3
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - c4