Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - 44

W W W.HOOD.EDU to Pete after his obligated service following us who could not. Best of health to you all USNA (submariner) and his pursuit of an MBA and again, thanks for the memories. If I’m at Stanford. Barb graduated from the Univ. of running low on news I’ll just have to concoct Washington Law School 25 years ago and is a some wild and wooly stories about you, so partner practicing in estate planning, tax and send some morsels! And, if ever in the San exempt organizations in Seattle. Their eldest Diego area, please stop by or, at the very Chris was married last year. Paul is a junior at least, call. There’s always room at the table for the Univ. of Puget Sound and Claire is in her extra place settings! We’d like nothing better. junior year of high school. Lissa Larson Waring ’77 continues to advocate tirelessly for families with autistic children in the Cheraw, Participation: 24.22% S.C. I was able to see Lissa two summers ago Total Class Dollars: $10,880 when we were heading back to Maine for the summer months. She exudes the same energy Deborah Ann Deasy and same positive outlook. Patti Maxey Bar1824 Foxcroft Lane, Apt. 704 tlett and husband Bob moved from Frederick Allison Park, PA 15101 to Annapolis within the last year. Despite (412) 366-2642 delays, their building project has finally morddeasy@tribweb.com phed into their home, complete with views Anyone pining for a taste of seaside comfort and waterfowl galore. Patti, if you’re reading or “Old Europe” should visit Laura Lee this, this is your notice that our little teardrop Hickman’s fetching Internet site—www.laucamper will be pulling in your driveway somerahickmanfinearts.com—for a virtual escape. time this summer. Bob continues to work for Laura’s online site parades about 50 images NASA and Patti is the acting instructional of her large pastel paintings of sun-drenched dean of business, information, science and cottages, beach town landmarks, waterfront hospitality management at Montgomery Colscenes and rural landscapes. The site also lege in Rockville, Md. I taught, on and off, for shows us photos of Laura’s cozy-looking a collective 14 years. Though I never expected artist’s studio. “I have a gallery in Ocean to teach at the junior high level, it was my View, Del.—the Gallery on Central Avenue,” favorite experience. I headed up the AlternaLaura writes. “I’m very happy to have one tive Education Program in Brunswick, Maine, of my large pastels hanging in the lobby of for two years prior to our move to California. Alumnae Hall. What an honor!” Last year Jack The kids were great and academically capable. and Hood trustee Janet Spaulding Nunn ’61 However, they learned differently, needed purchased the work at an alumnae gathering an “available” parent and needed an adult in Laura’s gallery and then donated it to Hood. who would advocate for them. It was such a Tireless, generous classmate Cherilyn Widell privilege to learn and experience with them. reports that she’s departing the College’s Currently I’m an independent travel director board of trustees “after 10 years of giving my supporting meeting planners at corporate all to taking good care of Hood.” Cherilyn meetings, pharmaceutical launches, incentive wants more time to work on a U.S. Departtrips and the like. Doug went into the health ment of Defense technology grant project. care industry for close to 20 years after his Cherilyn, an expert in recycling historic buildobligated service from USNA. Ten years ago ings, will be assessing potential new uses of he started his own executive/life coaching old U.S. Air Force, Navy and Army properties company, SOAR Worldwide, Inc. San Diego in Cheyenne, Wyo., El Paso, Texas, and Nortraffic can be horrendous but his commute folk, Va. The goal of the project is to reduce is across the patio to his office. Nice to share the defense department’s carbon “boot print” lunches on a bench overlooking the Pacific on the Earth by assigning new uses to existing with fighter jets doing their “touch and goes.” structures rather than building new structures. Only a pilot’s daughter could love the noise “The official name of the study is ‘Demonstratand feel a sense of calm at the same time! ing Relative Cost-Benefits for the Reuse of Our daughter Heather lives in Beirut, Lebanon. Department of Defense Historic and NonShe is currently taking classes to better unHistoric Properties Using Scientifically Derived derstand Farsi. Our son Zach continues to eke Data.’ Whew!,” writes Cherilyn. In June 2008 out a living in Portland, Maine. You may recall Cherilyn established her own consulting praca short article about Steps Across America, a tice. She will be working on her new project 12-person relay team in which Doug and I for the federal government as an independent participated in 2006. Next year Doug and contractor. “All classmates are welcome I plan to walk the entire distance from San to come enjoy my porch in Chestertown, Diego to Boston to raise awareness for health Md.,” writes Cherilyn, who’s still single but and fitness. We are in the process of designstill “quite smitten,” she says, with the new ing our Web site, WalkAboutWellnessUSA. man in her life. On a personal note, I’d like com. We’d love to enlist a support team that to apologize for not “riding herd” for more would advance our car and teardrop camper news about all of you but life in the gasping 20 miles daily. Recently retired? Needing a newspaper industry has been hectic. About purpose? Have I got a fit for you! Seriously! 100 people at my newspaper—the Pittsburgh Let me hear from you. If you happened to Tribune-Review—recently took buyout offers, attend reunion please consider sharing the leaving the rest of us with mountains of work. experience through this column for those of In January, however, I had the privilege of being the stem cell donor for my younger brother Robert’s bone marrow transplant at Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Medical Center in Richmond. Our hope is that the transplant will cure his leukemia. I’d like to thank anyone inclined to pray for my brother’s recovery. Participation: 17.37% Total Class Dollars: $9,402 Nancy Ludwick Warrenfeltz 5732 Tamarack Drive Pace, FL 32571 (850) 995-0051 nlwfeltz@hotmail.com It is always great to hear from the Class of 1976. I am trying to get all our class Hood news from e-mails. If you are on my e-mail list please forward to anyone else so I can get everyone’s news. Our condolences to the family of Kathryn Sasse Thompson who died Jan. 29, 2009. Our sympathy to Laura Tubbs whose father Gordon died March 1, 2009, in Rochester, N.Y.; and to Elisabeth Crouter Holter whose aunt Jane Hepburn Cooper ’40 died March 28, 2009, in Hockessin, Del. Linda Fox-Jarvis is always one to respond to my e-mail requests. She writes: “Things are going well for us. My daughter Stephanie just graduated from Dickinson College last week with a bachelor’s degree in biology. She has a job in Virginia Beach and also is going to pursue a second degree in nursing. My son is doing well up in Fairfax. He works for Argon ST as a computer engineer. He is an inspiration to me as he deals with the progressive disease of muscular dystrophy. He purchased his own little condo, has a great job and is very independent. I am still working in real estate. Things are picking up a bit which I am hoping is a good sign. David still works for BAE systems in Norfolk and Jacksonville. We are getting ready to head to France in June where we own 1/7 of a home in southern Normandy just three hours from Paris. We fell in love with France when we lived there years ago when David was in the Navy and have returned often through the years. We found out about this fractional ownership and it has worked out really well. It is a 150-year-old stone home on the river in this adorable medieval town. We love exploring the small towns of France and love the food and lifestyle of France as well. We hope when we retire we will be able to spend a lot more time at the house.” Thanks, Linda! Torie Hoveman Seeger e-mailed this news: “I was on vacation and my son Ben came home from his tour of duty in Iraq, so I’ve been busy lately! I’ll just quickly let you know that all is well here in Kingston, N.Y. I am relieved that Ben has returned safely home from Iraq. We all missed him and are grateful he was able to serve his time and get back to us the same person (almost—it’s never quite what they think it will be) as when he left. Work is constant in Albany what with all of the economic concerns and crises. We are never quite sure if we

Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009

Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - C1
Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - I1
Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - I2
Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - 1
Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - 2
Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - 3
Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - 4
Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - 5
Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - 6
Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - 7
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Hood College- Navigation, Summer 2009 - 9
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