August 09 ElectroIndustry - 1

FEATURES: CONTENTS Nanoscale Contacts Form the Bridge— A Market-Pull Approach for Nanoelectrotechnical Businesses 6 So What is Nanotechnology? 7 Survey Results for Standardization Priorities 10 Standards for Carbon Nanotubes Vital for Next-Generation Electronics 11 Nanotechnology Plays Important Role in Energy Storage 12 Measuring Quantum Dot Light Conversion Efficiency: The Need for a New Standard 14 Quantum Dots Lighting Up LED Technology 15 Nanotechnology to Help Power Cables Put on New Light Jacket 16 Electroindustry News 18 Applying the Brakes to an Emerging Technology: Nanotechnology under the Legal and Regulatory Microscope 18 Where’s the Money? Illuminations Weekend to Provide In-Depth Coverage of Stimulus Status 19 What is Smart—NEMA Updates Classification for Levels of Intelligence 20 Code Actions/Standardization Trends 21 ESA Ontario Clarifies Manufacturer Obligations 21 International Roundup 22 NEMA Organizes Smart Grid Seminar at EP Shanghai 22 Honduras Nearing Adoption of NEC® 22 Economic Spotlight 23 Unemployment Expected to Persist through Next Year 23 NOTES: NEMA Officers 2 Comments from the C-Suite 2 Views from the Top 3 Little Movement in North American EBCI Indexes in July 24 Now Available from NEMA/BIS— Electroindustry Economic Outlook 24 DID YOU KNOW? DEPARTMENTS: Washington Report 4 Call to Action Steering Committee Focused on Phase II 4 CPSC Gets New Chair, Continues Implementing Landmark CPSIA 4 Few Disappointments as Legislative Sessions Wind Down 4 NEMA has launched NEMAcast, a podcast that focuses on news, information, and opportunities of interest to the electroindustry. Go to to listen and subscribe for free! ECO BOX NEMA electroindustry text and cover pages are printed using SFI certified Anthem paper using soy ink. • SFI certified products come from North American forests managed to rigorous environmental standards. • SFI standards conserve biodiversity and protect soil and water quality, as well as wildlife habitats. • SFI forests are audited by independent experts to ensure proper adherence to the SFI Standard. • SFI participants also plant more than 650 million trees each year to keep these forests thriving. Synthesized chromophores attach themselves to transistor made from a single carbon nanotube, which allows the entire visible spectrum of light. Cover art Sandia National Laboratory, used with permission. electroindustry Publisher | Richard Talley Managing Editor/Editor in Chief | Pat Walsh Contributing Editors | Bobby Bilicki, Andrea Goodwin, & William E. Green III Economic Spotlight | Stacey Harrision Standards | Al Scolnik Washington Report | Kyle Pitsor Art Director | Jennifer Tillmann Graphic Designer | Parke Shissler Advertising Director | Susan Welter electroindustry (ISSN 1066-2464) is published monthly by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 1752, Rosslyn, VA 22209; 703.841.3200. FAX: 703.841.5900. Periodicals postage paid at Rosslyn, VA, and York, PA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NEMA, 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 1752, Rosslyn, VA 22209. The opinions or views expressed in electroindustry do not necessarily reflect the positions of NEMA or any of its subdivisions.

August 09 ElectroIndustry

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of August 09 ElectroIndustry

August 09 ElectroIndustry - C1
August 09 ElectroIndustry - C2
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 1
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 2
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 3
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 4
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 5
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 6
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 7
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 8
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 9
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 10
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 11
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 12
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 13
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 14
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 15
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 16
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 17
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 18
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 19
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 20
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 21
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 22
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 23
August 09 ElectroIndustry - 24
August 09 ElectroIndustry - C3
August 09 ElectroIndustry - C4