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PRECONFERENCE WORKSHOPS The Faculty Training Academy Graduate Summit This pre-conference session will take place on: Sunday, April 11, 2010 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. This hands-on, interactive workshop is designed for all FTA graduates and anyone interested in teaching AFP courses in the future. During this workshop, participants will learn innovative tips for teaching the specific topics contained within the CFRE Review Course and the new AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising Course. Participants will be able to share learning methods that they have successfully implemented in teaching fundraising courses, learn how they can support each other, and learn how AFP can support them in their teaching of AFP courses. Participants will learn new techniques for using simulations, games, role-plays, case studies, lectures, exercises, skills demonstrations, assessments and quizzes for each topic presented in AFP’s two courses. Pre-work: Participants should come prepared to describe and demonstrate the most innovative ideas that they have successfully implemented for the topics they have taught in the CFRE Review Course, the AFP First Course, and the Essentials of Fundraising Course. If any props or hand-outs are needed to demonstrate these innovative learning methods, participants are encouraged to bring them to the workshop. This session will be facilitated by Dr. B.J. Bischoff, Bischoff Performance Improvement Consulting, Indianapolis, Ind. A6: The Faculty Training Academy Graduate Summit fees: $50 (with a full conference registration) $100 (without a full conference registration) The AFP CEO School—CEO 2.0: Innovator, Change Agent, Leader This half-day post-conference workshop will take place on: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 8:00 a.m. – Noon This session will explore the key issues that a nonprofit CEO must address to ensure organizational and fundraising success—innovation, leadership and change. Specifically we will help you look at: Emotional Intelligence (EI) in Leadership: This module explores how notions of leadership are evolving away from simplistic command and control and the importance of EI-based leadership. You will also have the opportunity to assess your own EI through an on-line questionnaire. Change Agent: Managing change is a key factor in organizational transformation and producing extraordinary fundraising results. This module will look at how to identify effective change processes— assessing your own readiness for change and your organization. Innovation: This module is based on the idea that innovation is the only sustainable competitive advantage—whether in fundraising or organizational service delivery. This module will look at how you, as a CEO, can promote and nurture systematic innovation across the organization. The session, presented by Angela Cloff, deputy director, and Kate Gilmore, principal management consultant with =mc, London, UK, will involve case studies, examples, and exercises to challenge you and help you be a more effective CEO ready to lead the 2.0 organization. A7: The AFP CEO School (½ day) fees: $100 (with a full conference registration) $200 (without a full conference registration) Visit for a complete schedule. Pre- and Post-Conference Workshops are available at an additional cost and require pre-registration as seating is limited. Beverages will be provided for these sessions. G E T T H E L A T E S T I N F O R M A T I O N A N D R E G I S T E R O N L I N E A T H T T P : / / C O N F E R E N C E . A F P N E T. O R G

AFP Conference

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AFP Conference

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