AFP Conference - 19

E D U C AT I O N A L S E S S I O N S The 11 Questions Every Donor Asks Any good fundraiser knows that success begins with the rapport they build with donors. A recent study by the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University found that most wealthy individuals stopped giving to a charity because they didn’t feel connected. In this session, McKinnon and Boardman will prepare you for the questions donors will be asking—whether or not they say them out loud—and help you find the answers that will continue to keep your donors connected over the years. Whether you are a board member, volunteer or staff, this session will help you anticipate donors’ concerns so that you can build their trust, strengthen your relationship with them and become a better fundraiser. Harvey McKinnon, CFRE, Harvey McKinnon Associates, Vancouver, BC Lynne Boardman, Harvey McKinnon Associates, Vancouver, BC General Interest Direct Response Direct Response the Old Fashioned Way— Without Inserts, Envelopes or Email The original and most effective means of raising money directly is for one person to ask another for their support. That is why you ask your major donors for support in person, and the approach works equally well for the volume recruitment of monthly, sustainer donors. Sustainer donors have shown themselves to be highly resilient in the economic crisis. Face to Face Fundraising, or Canvassing, has shown itself to be the fastest route to high volume acquisition of these donors, globally. You may be surprised by how much it is used in the U.S., and the opportunities that exist for your organization. Practitioners will benefit from receiving an up-to-date and comprehensive view of this technique, and understand the enormous benefit that nonprofits have derived from it globally. Quickly narrowing down to the U.S., the impact that it can have on your organization will be explored in a practical and relevant way. In challenging times, Face to Face provides a route to market that speaks to new and resilient donors in a personal and engaging way. If you had the chance to speak to all of your donors Face to Face, wouldn’t you? Owen Watkins, Central Fundraising, Private Fundraising and Partnerships United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Geneva, Switzerland Advanced level 10+ years Reaching the Heart of the Donor: Donor Touchpoint Management The emphasis on the importance of donor relations has grown over the past decade as the philanthropic environment has become challenging with economic crisis and increased competition for the philanthropic dollar. This session will explore the ways we can reach the hearts of our donors to inspire continued generosity and build loyalty. Opportunities to communicate with and involve donors in our organizations through targeted messages and specific donor relations activities will be explored. The session will examine how we can more effectively incorporate acknowledgement, recognition and stewardship strategies in the overall development program. The marketing strategies for businesses that focus on repeat business will be considered to identify core components of building and maintaining loyalty. Ways to go beyond what is expected and to distinguish our organizations and their missions from others will be a primary objective of the session. Attendees will participate in discussion in this interactive session, which will include developing a plan to reach the heart of donors in new and creative ways. Examples of “donor touchpoint management” plans and strategies for managing those plans will be reviewed. The participants will get new ideas and will have a different perspective on how we can touch the hearts of our donors. Janet L. Hedrick, CFRE, Bentz Whaley Flessner, Arlington, Va. Mid-level 3-6 years, Senior level 7-9 years, Advanced level 10+ years Donor DNA, Cracking The Code to Online Fundraising Donor DNA maps out the online giving experience from both the charity and donor’s perspective simultaneously. In this session, we will share how to “crack the code” for the best way to: Draw like-minded people to your cause Strengthen your relationships with donors and constituents Inspire people to give Maximize your donor’s giving over time Measure the effectiveness of your online strategies Todd Baker, Grizzard, Bainbridge Island, Wash. General Interest G E T T H E L A T E S T I N F O R M A T I O N A N D R E G I S T E R O N L I N E A T H T T P : / / C O N F E R E N C E . A F P N E T. O R G

AFP Conference

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AFP Conference

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