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E D U C AT I O N A L S E S S I O N S Making Effective Direct Response Fundraising TV NGOs have always been conflicted on using TV as an effective fundraising media. Would it be more than they can afford? How can the result be guaranteed? Are there any sure win tactics to generate the best result from your TV spot? Indeed, issue lies not on the cost or if any celebrities appeared, but on the way you tell your stories of needing funds. Interested in how to use less than $60,000 to raise more than $250,000? Want to understand how to present the right stories that touch the passion of the audience? What do you have to do to create an effective direct response TV production? Timothy Ma, Senior Citizen Home Safety Association, Hong Kong SAR, China Entry level 0-2 years, Mid-level 3-6 years organization, the importance of long-term sustainability, how legacy and endowment gifts support the organization’s long-term goals, why the organization has the potential to attract legacy and endowment gifts, and organizational priorities that can be funded by legacy and endowment gifts. In this session, attendees will work in small groups with assistance from the two speakers to either review or draft a case for philanthropic planning for their organization. Robert E. Wahlers, CFRE, Virtua Health System, Beachwood, N.J. Brian Sagrestano, J.D., CFRE, Gift Planning Developments LLC, New Hartford, N.Y. Entry level 0-2 years, Mid-level 3-6 years Foundation Relations Introduction to Form 990s for Grant Writers A foundation’s Form 990 contains valuable information that people new to grantwriting need to know. This session is an introduction to gleaning important facts from 990s that can help grant writers know which foundations are their best prospects, who to contact, how much to ask for, and what information to submit. By targeting their proposals more carefully, they can improve their success rate and efficiency. Also, understanding what funders are looking for in the charity’s own Form 990 can help fundraisers prepare for questions and address concerns that grant makers may have. Steven J. Byers, CFRE, Steven J. Byers Consulting, Nevada, Mo. Entry level 0-2 years All About Email: Isn’t it Just Like Direct Mail But With An E? During this session, you’ll hear about the remarkable similarities between email and traditional direct mail— and the profound differences. You’ll learn how some of your finely honed direct mail skills DO apply, but that your assumptions about what works and what doesn’t just might sink your online campaigns. Our panelists, with more than ten years of experience using email for dozens of nonprofits, will share tips and best practices covering email fundraising and answer your questions such as: How do I build my email list; What are the best creative strategies; How often do I email and ask for money; What are the best techniques for renewing donors online; How do I measure success; Is anyone really making money with email; and How do I get my email “opened” without an envelope? This promises to be a lively presentation and discussion! Harry Lynch, CFRE, Sanky Communications, New York, N.Y. Paul Habig, SankyNet, New York, N.Y. Mid-level 3-6 years, Senior level 7-9 years, Advanced level 10+ years Strengthening Foundation Relationships The key to success in attracting philanthropic investments from independent, community and corporate foundations is no different than other major gifts work. It all comes down to relationships. A big part of relationship building is providing services that few, and perhaps no one else, can deliver. As fundraisers, we need to provide value to our prospective donors. Drawing upon his unique background as a former journalist, public relations director and constituent major gift officer, John will lead a thought-provoking session that will provide specific strategies for building lasting and fulfilling foundation partnerships. Included in the presentation are specific “take-aways” that will help participants identify, cultivate, solicit and steward prospective foundation partners. Endowment A Case for Legacy Gifts! Most organizations take the time to set forth immediate-term strategic goals and write a case statement for comprehensive campaigns. However, organizations rarely take the time to draft case statements for long-term support. The case identifies the role of the 4 7 T H A F P I N T E R N AT I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E O N F U N D R A I S I N G

AFP Conference

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AFP Conference

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