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E D U C AT I O N A L S E S S I O N S John Greenhoe, CFRE, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich. Mid-level 3-6 years, Senior level 7-9 years, Advanced level 10+ years Legacy Giving Building Blocks—A Simple Approach to Attracting Long-term Support Is your healthcare organization interested in longterm, sustainable revenue? Does your hospital or health agency want to diversify its revenue streams? Are you wrestling with how to build your organization’s capacity to attract legacy and endowment gifts? Would you benefit from straightforward strategies to engage prospects? In this interactive session you will learn more about the simple steps you can take to develop a strong foundation for your legacy giving program. The workshop will define legacy giving; offer reasons for legacy giving; address commonly cited obstacles; suggest requirements for a successful program; define and provide action steps for seven essential building blocks; provide an overview of next steps; and offer additional resource materials. Caleb B. Rick, J.D., Legacy Giving, Chelsea, Vt. General Interest What Now?! What to Do After You Get The Grant You got the grant! Now what? This session will discuss the grant professional’s role once the grant has been won and key stewardship practices. Cheryl Kester, Thomas-Forbes & Kester, Grants Consultants, Fayetteville, Ark. Entry level 0-2 years, Mid-level 3-6 years Community Foundations More than Grants This session will focus on the leadership role that community foundations provide in working with individuals, corporations, other foundations and nonprofit organizations to build and sustain collaborations and innovative programs to build strong communities. Charlotte Rhodes, ACFRE, Amarillo Area Foundation, Amarillo, Texas Katharyn Wiegand, MBA, Amarillo Area Foundation, Nonprofit Service Center, Amarillo, Texas Mid-level 3-6 years, Senior level 7-9 years Let’s Go Back to School—What can the Higher Ed Model Teach Healthcare about Effective Fundraising? Ramping up your fundraising program is always a challenge. Doubling or even tripling your program is a huge accomplishment; taking a program that was raising $3 million annually to one raising over $20 million annually is herculean. The successful higher education model of fundraising includes a robust annual giving program, major gifts, planned gifts, capital campaigns and endowment growth; it requires close involvement by the organization’s president, a commitment from your board and appropriate staffing and budget. What are the proven fundraising techniques, methods and approaches from higher education that can be applied to the healthcare/hospital sector? Can patients and physicians be leveraged or motivated to action like alumni and faculty to provide greater support for your institution? What performance metrics have proven useful in motivating staff and making a case to the board for increasing the operating budget? This session will present a case scenario at Princeton HealthCare System Foundation where the higher education model is being applied to a hospital foundation with great success. Joe Stampe, Princeton HealthCare System Foundation, Princeton, N.J. Bridget Murphy, CFRE, Graham-Pelton Consulting, Summit, N.J. General Interest Healthcare Converting Your Patients Into Donors: Developing a Grateful Patient Program A successful annual giving program relies on a costeffective, strong donor acquisition plan. In healthcare, our best prospects are grateful patients. In this exciting panel presentation, we will discuss all the elements necessary for a successful grateful patient program including: The use of direct mail, phone and personal solicitation; Using wealth scores and other enhanced data to select the right patients to include in your program; How to work with physicians and other hospital departments; Effective fulfillment strategies; Identifying and “fast-tracking” major donor and planned gift prospects; and of course, HIPAA. Our panelists will discuss proven strategies and share results. Timothy Logan, ACFRE, RuffaloCODY, Reston, Va. Philip Schumacher, ACFRE, Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation, La Crosse, Wis. General Interest G E T T H E L A T E S T I N F O R M A T I O N A N D R E G I S T E R O N L I N E A T H T T P : / / C O N F E R E N C E . A F P N E T. O R G

AFP Conference

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AFP Conference

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