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E D U C AT I O N A L S E S S I O N S Partnering with Advisors for Inspired Gifts This session addresses major gifts and planned gifts and does so in an upbeat, motivational fashion. No prior technical knowledge is required. Gift planning is an art, as much as a science, and fundraisers are often the most “gifted people” at the planning table. The field needs philanthropic advocates working with the technical planning team for wealthy clients. To open that door is the purpose of this talk. In this motivational and nontechnical talk, you will learn how to work with advisors to get large gifts from three major markets: women of wealth, closely held business owners, and boomer executives; lead with what truly motivates the wealthy when it comes to their legacies; get a seat at the table when the big dollars are planned; and position yourself as a trusted advisor when donors do their ultimate plan for all their money - and make their ultimate gift. Phil Cubeta, CLU, ChFC, MSFS, CAP, The American College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. General Interest as new trends and technology alter the fundraising landscape and present us with new choices and dilemmas. Even decade-old issues, such as percentage-based compensation, can give seasoned fundraisers pause in attempting to find the ethical solution. Members of the Ethics Committee will lead a rousing interactive discussion about the nuts and bolts of AFP’s Code of Ethical Principles and Standards, reviewing specific standards and presenting participants with case studies and possible solutions. The committee has recently completed a review of 22 new ethics cases and these cases will be made available to participants. Pamela Hurd-Knief, CFRE, University of New Mexico Foundation, Albuquerque, N.M. Roberto Soto-Acosta, Roberto Soto Acosta Consulting, San Juan, Puerto Rico Dianne Lister, LL.B., CFRE, Trent University, Peterborough, ON Barbara Levy, ACFRE, Levy Fundraising, Tucson, Ariz. General Interest Public Policy/Ethics Are You Doing Enough to Protect Your Donors? Donors are vital to your organization’s survival. Are you doing enough to protect their privacy? Let’s explore the issues you should consider in protecting donor privacy and steps you can take to improve safeguarding donor information. James Phelps, J.D., CFRE, ACLU of Oregon, Portland, Ore. General Interest Ethics and Opium: Why YOU Need Both This session puts a fresh spin on ethics and professionalism in fundraising. We’ll explore some major ethical dilemmas in philanthropy, look for some answers and delve into some real-life examples. Can Wall Street teach us some lessons? Get ready to roll up your sleeves and dig in. Chip Brown, MBA, Laudick/Brown & Associates, San Diego, Calif. Michael Laudick, MBA, CFRE, Laudick/Brown & Associates, Indianapolis, Ind. General Interest AFP Ethics & Accountability: Weaving Ethics Into Your Fundraising Fundraising ethics is a hot topic these days with coverage crowding the airways and print media. Not only are questions about nonprofit organizations’ fundraising practices being raised, but also the focus on political campaign finance has raised the profile of “fundraising” across the board. AFP members have a vested interest in this subject because of the association’s mandatory Code and the Enforcement Procedures that ensure compliance. Everyone understands that ethics is critical to fundraising. After all, without public trust and confidence, fundraising simply cannot occur. But determining what actions are ethical can be challenging, especially G E T T H E L A T E S T I N F O R M A T I O N A N D R E G I S T E R O N L I N E A T H T T P : / / C O N F E R E N C E . A F P N E T. O R G

AFP Conference

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AFP Conference

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