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DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS SERIES 1 : 3 0 – 2 : 4 5 P. M . A N D 3 : 0 0 – 4 : 1 5 P. M . Wednesday, April 14 8:00 – 9:30 A.M. Reggie Van Lee, senior vice president, organization and strategy team, Booz Allen Hamilton Introduction to Megacommunities Today, issues that significantly affect all of us—global climate change, rebuilding urban infrastructure, water scarcity, preparing for pandemics, dealing with aging populations— have become key challenges to decision makers in the public sector, private sector, and civil society. At first glance, these problems seem intractable. But in an era of expanding global networks and interdependence, they cannot be ignored. Such problems cannot be solved by government, business, or civil society alone. It takes a megacommunity. Leaders of many organizations must work together toward common goals, without any one of them being in control of the whole system. The key is a shift in focus from maximizing to optimizing. Megacommunities are a response to the growing need for people at every level of society to move to a new approach to managing complexity: they show a path for deliberate development of leadership capabilities, and results-oriented action in an open-ended network of leaders from multiple organizations. Jeff Salz, cultural anthropologist, journalist, explorer, and mountaineer Adventures of Ultimate Success Timeless Certainties for Uncertain Times Jeff Salz creates the foundation for adventurous thinking in any organization by presenting a unique perspective on taking risks. Salz shows audiences that our life must consist of adventure for a truly meaningful workplace. With a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology and a Masters in experiential education, Salz spent 10 years as a university professor. For the last 15 years, he has been safely guiding organizations through the turbulent seas of change and facilitating enhanced teamwork in organizations by helping them build ‘cultures of authenticity’. Salz’s presentations provide insight in four areas: Enhance teamwork by creating a culture of participation; Foster innovation by becoming fearless in the face of failure; Empower your team by setting a goal higher than Everest; and Optimize energy with the power of the aliveness factor. With strategies from his bestselling book, The Way of Adventure: Transforming Your Life and Work with Spirit and Vision, Salz gives audiences clear instructions that enable them to put the passion and commitment of adventure to work in their organizations and daily life. organizations g y G E T T H E L A T E S T I N F O R M A T I O N A N D R E G I S T E R O N L I N E A T H T T P : / / C O N F E R E N C E . A F P N E T. O R G

AFP Conference

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AFP Conference

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