Discover Hood - 28

26 HOOD MAGAZINE | WINTER 2010 Class News and Notes Check your class column to see if this is a reunion year for you and to get the latest class gift statistics (from July 1 through Dec. 31, 2009). Giving Participation: 33.33% · Total Class Dollars: $500 80th Reunion June 4-6 Please send your news directly to Tammy McElroy ’05, Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Hood College, 401 Rosemont Ave., Frederick, MD 21701-8575; (301) 696-3977 or to Our condolences to the families of Charlotte Storm Dodge who died June 9, 2009, in Wilmington, Del.; Margaret Watson Colwell who died Oct. 21, 2009, in Houston, Texas; and Bertha Strayer Folkemer who died Oct. 27, 2009, in York, Pa. Giving Participation: 25% · Total Class Dollars: $1,000 Giving Participation: 33.33% · Total Class Dollars: $20,748 Lavenia Hargett Marsh 600 Schley Ave. Frederick, MD 21702 (301) 663-9396 Here in Frederick, including the Hood campus, it has been so beautiful this fall. It seems each leaf tried to outshine the other. I (Lavenia Hargett Marsh) had a nice note from Ester Gray, informing us she has moved into a retirement complex. She says every day is busy— playing bridge and lately she has attended bingo. But most of her time is spent knitting warm caps for girls and boys in Camden, slippers for women incarcerated in local prisons and squares for making blankets for children with AIDS in Africa. These projects are all church related. She enjoyed the Touchstone pictures and the memories that came with them. Our condolences to the family of Anita Allio McIntire who died May 14, 2009, in Salinas, Calif. I received a card from Robbie Snowden, Julia Schaffer Radcliff’s daughter. She told me Julia was so glad to hear from me. Robbie says she is not seeing as clearly as in the past but looked at her picture from the Touchstone 1936. Helen Brenneman Lesser and I continue to correspond and I had such a nice letter from her last week. She is fine; hasn’t traveled much the last year but is enjoying local activities. Several local churches have monthly fine arts programs, including area choirs, soloists, orchestras and bands. Also, she enjoys seeing Barbara Mayer Werle ’53 there. She lives in Sun City, as does Barbara’s former Hood roommate Margaret Brown Barati ’53 and her husband Bill. Helen was looking forward to attending the annual Christmas tea for the widows and single women of the church. Her husband, the Rev. Bill Lesser, started this special event in 1963 and it has continued through the years. I attended the installation of the Rev. Beth O’Malley, McHenry Dean of the Chapel at Hood, on a wonderful fall Sunday in Coffman Chapel. She is a lovely lady and Hood is so happy to welcome her in the special position. I wasn’t in attendance but read in the newspaper of the successful performance of the “Messiah.” It is such a nice tradition. Thanks so much for all your news. My prayers go to all of you and your families. Hope you had a blessed and happy Christmas season. Please send your news directly to Tammy McElroy ’05, Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Hood College, 401 Rosemont Ave., Frederick, MD 21701-8575; (301) 696-3977 or to Giving Participation: 0% · Total Class Dollars: $0 Please send your news directly to Tammy McElroy ’05, Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Hood College, 401 Rosemont Ave., Frederick, MD 21701-8575; (301) 696-3977 or to Giving Participation: 0% · Total Class Dollars: $0 Please send your news directly to Tammy McElroy ’05, Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Hood College, 401 Rosemont Ave., Frederick, MD 21701-8575; (301) 696-3977 or to Our condolences to the family of Miriam Beery Seltzer who died Feb. 16, 2009; Anne Ruth Salzman P’57 who died Jan 30, 2010, in Catonsville, Md. Giving Participation: 12.5% · Total Class Dollars: $3,000 Please send your news directly to Tammy McElroy ’05, Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Hood College, 401 Rosemont Ave., Frederick, MD 21701-8575; (301) 696-3977 or to Our sympathy to the families of Arsine Schmavonian who died Aug. 9, 2009, in Washington, D.C.; and Blanche Vaughn Hargis who died Dec. 12, 2009, in Frederick. Giving Participation: 7.69% · Total Class Dollars: $150,457 Giving Participation: 27.27% · Total Class Dollars: $1,325 75th Reunion June 4-6 Please send your news directly to Tammy McElroy ’05, Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Hood College, 401 Rosemont Ave., Frederick, MD 21701-8575; (301) 696-3977 or to Please send your news directly to Tammy McElroy ’05, Associate Director of Alumni Relations, Hood College, 401 Rosemont Ave., Frederick, MD 21701-8575; (301) 696-3977 or to Our condolences to the families of Marjorie Carney Griffin who died June 2, 2009, in Naples, Fla., and Helene Schmauch Schaeffer who died Dec. 18, 2009, in Hilton Head, S.C. She submitted this report prior to her passing: I (Helene Schmauch Schaeffer) received a note from Pat Baldwin Hoffmann’s daughter that she died peacefully in her sleep after a good dinner and a bath May 27, 2009. She was one of my best friends and a bridesmaid at my wedding, as was Annabelle Trexler Goll who died May 26, 2009, in Topton, Pa. The June 2009 issue of American Profile magazine features David Strickler, the father of Betty Strickler Saxman. David is credited with creating the first banana split at Tassell Pharmacy in Latrobe, Pa., in 1904. It was so nice to hear from so many of you and even your daughters. This shows how important you think it is that we keep in close touch. Elizabeth Austermuhl Lehman offers a wonderful thought to us who are of an advanced age. “I am aware of my age,” she says. “It is a feeling of pride and gratitude.” She rejoices in being a great-grandmother. Lukie Kling Tefft had a joyful summer with two Tefft reunions, bringing nieces and nephews from Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, New York and Ireland. In September her Presbyterian Church celebrated its 175th anniversary. She has given up painting but still bakes and listens to talking books. Like all of us, she can’t believe she is 94. Nancy Markey Ackler had a heart attack and was in an automobile accident last year. Her car was totaled but all that happened to her was a cracked rib and the usual air bag problems that leave you very sore for several months. She still works for Jo-Ann Fabrics one or two days a week. Elizabeth Moseley Hope had two serious falls in June, cracking three ribs and two toes; and suffered from a four-inch gash in her hand and a slight concussion. She spent two weeks in the hospital but is now spending time with her daughter Binnie, who is so kind to keep me informed. They go to her “mother’s house” next door many days of the week to visit her dogs and to watch old movie videos. Everyone calls her “Bim,” except those who call her Granny, Mother or Mrs. Hope. Loving grandchildren and great-grands surround her. Our best wishes go to her. We were saddened to hear of the death of Corrine Neely Pettit who died June 11, 2009, in Charleston, S.C. Although Corinne attended Hood for only two years, she cherished her memories of Hood and the good friends she made there. Our deep sympathy is extended to Dottie Rager Miller whose beloved Hal died July 8. They were married almost 74 years. She is adjusting to living without Hal and plans to resume her singing with her choral group and to participate in a fashion show. Lucille Thomas Hall is our most traveled classmate. She and her husband enjoyed a five-week tour in their motor home, including a visit to Colorado to attend her granddaughter’s wedding. Last fall they went to Sicily but had to leave because Mt. Etna erupted. This fall they expect to go back to Rota, Spain. Fond memories of Arlene Utz Hollinger came to me when my daughter Sally Ann brought me two bags of Utz’s potato chips. There was always a can of chips in Arlene’s room at Hood. She never touched them but

Discover Hood

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Discover Hood

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