Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 13

C OV E R S T O R Y coming from all over the nation, in which they are “deputized into a law enforcement capacity,” but without the ability to make arrest. “This is a very complex operation. It’s a significant ceremonial event with large crowds anticipated in the harshest weather,” stated General Richard Rowe, the Chairman of the JFIC, on December 18 at the National Guard Armory in Washington, D.C. Gen. Rowe was careful not to discuss DoD’s exact role, but Rowe did say they are working very closely with all partners to support in any capacity needed. Security around the inauguration on January 20 is reportedly going to be “air tight,” with snipers deployed on rooftops, and both plainclothes and uniformed police interspersed throughout the crowds. Parade-route observers will be required to pass through metal detectors and be subjected to hand screening with magnetometers. All Metro restrooms in the downtown DC-area will be closed due to security precautions, and the D.C. Metro Transit Police Department are warning passengers in advance of the presence of increased canine units and some officers with “additional weaponry.” Radiological detection equipment will be placed on the Metro rails, and manholes will be welded shut. ABC News reports that a Marine unit that specializes in biological and chemical detection and response, and Army units that are trained in pulling people out of bombed buildings, will be deployed. The United States Coast Guard (USCG) will be providing security on the Potomac River and surrounding waterways, as well as supporting Northern Command (NORTHCOM), who has the lead role in securing the Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) with helicopter patrols and anti-aircraft missile batteries deployed around the NCR. Fox News reports that Washington has over 5,200 surveillance cameras distributed throughout the city that will be fed into a multiagency Joint Operational Center (JOC) at an undisclosed location. From this point, the intelligence gathering of the uniformed and plainclothes officers spread throughout the city will be coordinated, analyzed, and passed along to other intelligence and law enforcement agencies accordingly. Assistant Police Chief Patrick Burke of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department reported in December that the inaugural security plan has a vital role that includes intelligence-led policing using “the entire intelligence community.” This period of transition provides many opportunities for the committed terrorist to strike and alter the course of the new administration. The layered approach to securing the NCR during the inauguration should present a high degree of deterrence for the wouldbe terrorist, yet, even if there isn’t an attack during the inauguration it is not a time for us to let our guard down. n Adam Fosson is a contractor supporting the federal government. He is based in Washington, D.C. FSI ® MEDICAL SURGE CAPACITY SYSTEMS Specify ‘FSI Blue’™ offering amongst the world’s largest range of Command Shelters, Complete 10–110 Bed Surge Capacity Shelter Systems, Isolation Shelters/ Chambers, Portable, Mobile, and Fixed Hazmat Decontamination Showers, EMS and Mortuary Supplies such as cots, backboards, spine boards, body bags, mortician tables/racks, and coffins. 311 Abbe Rd. Sheffield Lake, Ohio 44054 • PH 440-949-2400 • FAX 440-949-2900 • EMAIL sales@fsinorth.com FSI ® is a full line Mass Casualty supplier Visit www.homelanddefensejournal.com Homeland Defense Journal | 11

Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009

Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 1
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 2
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 3
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 4
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 5
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 6
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 7
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 8
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 9
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 10
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 11
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 12
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 13
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 14
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 15
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 16
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 17
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 18
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 19
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 20
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 21
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 22
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 23
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 24
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 25
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 26
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 27
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 28
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 29
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 30
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 31
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 32
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 33
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 34
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 35
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 36
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 37
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 38
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 39
Homeland Defense Journal - January 2009 - 40