Building Information Modeling - 10

In 2007, McGraw-Hill Construction published the SmartMarket Report on Interoperability and predicted that 2008 would be the tipping point year for BIM the overall construction industry. Source: McGraw-Hill Construction McGraw-Hill Construction has released Product Document Manager (PDM) a software application that greatly enables communication and information sharing on projects, especially during construction. Beyond this r esearch, McGraw-Hill C onstruction is also driving BIM awareness by: • Providing regular coverage of the development of BIM as a project deli very fr amework in M cGraw-Hill C onstruction's major publications. • I ncluding BIM as a leading t opic at M cGraw-Hill Construction indust ry e vents (suc h as Outlook, The Architectural R ecord I nnovation C onference and R egional BIM Workshops). • P roviding M cGraw-Hill C onstruction specialists t o speak about BIM at major industry events and for leading organizations including AGC, AIA, CURT, SMPS and others. Since the t ransformation t o BIM is taking plac e at the ground le vel on pr oject t eams spr ead acr oss the g lobe, McGraw-Hill Construction feels an impor tant responsibility to keep the industry informed as this revolution takes shape. Content The v ision of BIM as the futur e g lobal standar d for all design, construction and oper ations cr itically r elies, as described earlier in this ar ticle, on an abilit y to electronically extract relevant information from one or more design models (architectural, structural, MEP, etc) to perform useful analyses and other lifecycle workflow activities. In order to realize that vision the objects w ith which the desig n models ha ve been created need t o provide sufficient data about their att ributes to power these activities. McGraw-Hill C onstruction has r elationships w ith 5,000 building product manufacturers (BPMs) and is leading an initiative with major BPMs, international standards organizations and innovative software companies to facilitate creation of, and access to BIM c ontent of building products. These intelligent objects are available through, Autodesk Seek, AIA Soloso and other partner relationships. Collaboration McGraw-Hill C onstruction has r eleased PDM (P roduct Document M anager), a softwar e application that g reatly enables t eam c ollaboration, especially dur ing c onstruction. PDM can be integrated easily with project management applications (e.g. Meridian Prolog) thereby enhancing the value of its functions and contributing to improving overall interoperability in the industry. 10 BIM What BIM Will Mean to the Industry BIM w ill c hange the wa ys in whic h projects are desig ned, built and operated for everyone. Consider the impact on each of these aspects of the construction process: • CONSTRUCTION - when major pieces of a facility are created in factories and assembled on a sit e • PROGRESS REPORTING - when eac h physical component

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

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