Building Information Modeling - 15

SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Using BIM allows architects to work collaboratively with others on a project team, such as engineers, contractors and subcontractors. working singularly at drawing tables. Instead, architects must work in a mor e collaborative fashion. Although it will require a retraining of architects, the benefits of BIM are many. With its use, architects can mo ve beyond consideration of a project's aesthetics into its engineering and other factors, such as energ y usage. The technology allows the potential for incorporating analysis and sim ulation methods into models, which can enable architects to s tudy a r ange o f project c oncerns, such as sunlight and heating loads. Using BIM also allows architects to work c ollaboratively w ith others on a project team, such as engineers, contractors and subcontractors. With 3D modeling, trades can w ork together to identify potential conflicts and resolve them prior t o c onstruction. This can r educe the number of change orders on a project and sa ve time and mone y. BIM also provides benefits t o building o wners after c onstruction has been c ompleted. For e xample, models used dur ing c on- Snigdha Mittal struction can be saved and used by facility managers dur ing routine repair and maintenance. For more information about the AIA New York Chapter's involvement with BIM, please v isit www BIM 15

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

Building Information Modeling - 1
Building Information Modeling - 2
Building Information Modeling - 3
Building Information Modeling - 4
Building Information Modeling - 5
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Building Information Modeling - 15
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