Building Information Modeling - 19

SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Leveraging BIM through Integrated Project Deliver y By Navigant Consulting, Inc. Introduction The Denver Art Museum, an architectural icon, was delivered ahead of schedule w ith minimal r ework and 15% under budget as a r esult of BIM utilization. While that is a g reat st ory, if an integrated pr oject deli very (IPD) approach had been used, project performance c ould h ave b een e ven m ore impressive. The time has ar rived for companies currently utilizing BIM tools to look be yond their indi vidual BIM successes and begin to take advantage of the s ynergistic v alue o f incorporating BIM-enabled IPD int o their organizations. This ar ticle w ill look at var ious BIM t ools and their benefits, describe the advantages of BIM enabled IPD, and explain two approaches to becoming a truly integrated firm. To date, most design and construction firms using BIM have taken a piecemeal approach to BIM implementation, viewing BIM as a technological initiative requiring only minimal changes in organization. The vast majority of project teams utilize BIM only as a visualization and c ommunication tool when, in actuality, the largest r eturns on in vestment oc cur when fir ms int egrate the complete process of design, estimating, planning and sc heduling, and v irtual design for c onstruction and facilities management. This holistic approach to integrating a BIM and IPD platfor m is viewed a s a m ajor d ifferentiator i n t he marketplace. It enables firms to compete on value rather than price. Benefits of BIM We see design and construction firms utilizing cur rent BIM t ools fr om pr econstruction through facilities management realizing returns on investment of 300% t o 500%. With the decr ease in development oppor tunities, users ha ve found BIM to be the meaning ful differentiator helping them win more projects by providing s uperior value to the owner and, at the same time, improving their bottom line. BIM enables a c ollaborative de sign process, which improves constructability while maintaining budget and sc hedule. Contractors are using BIM tools to identify errors in design, and utilizing systems models t o c oordinate w ork r esulting in fewer r equests for infor mation and change or ders. The syst ems models enable pre-fabrication resulting in schedule reductions and improved on and offsite pr oductivity. Virtual mock-ups are used for visualization and constructability r eview. “Lift dr awings” consolidate information fr om n umerous 2D dr awings int o a sing le model used b y cr aft workers for c onstruction, resulting in a reduction of rework and impr oved productivity. 4D sc hedules, often link ed t o traditional critical path method scheduling tools, provide a clear medium for all project par ticipants (including the owner) to par ticipate in sc hedule de velopment and refinement resulting in buyin and e xposing sc heduling er rors th us improving the o verall pr oject plan. The value o f improved c ommunication is enormous. Alone, it is sufficient reason to begin or advance the utilization of BIM tools in an A/E/C organization. Model based 5D estimating has extensive potential to improve estimator productivity and accuracy of estimates. It is on the verge of becoming a mainstream reality among cur rent BIM users. Contractors ha ve found that modelbased quantit y tak e offs ar e e xposing significant er rors in man ual quantities. Another value proposition for owners is the pr oduction of model-based oper ations and maint enance manuals and as built models. 5D estimating and as-built O&M models are additional meaningful differentiators. Leveraging BIM through IPD Integrated project deli very is the ne xt iteration of project delivery using BIM as a platform. Early integrated projects have found impr ovements in c ollaboration and c ommunication e ven be yond what has been realized through the use of BIM tools alone (“ lonely BIM”). Subcontractors w orking on int egrated projects are realizing cost, schedule, and quality improvements so sig nificant that they are pledging estimate reductions for future integrated projects. For companies currently utilizing BIM,organization and project integration (IPD) is the next big step toward realizing the full potential of current an d f uture B IM t ools. IPD w ill provide additional meaningful differentiation for those willing to implement. BIM/IPD Implementation Models Two models for BIM/IPD implementation have been utiliz ed by pioneer ing organizations. Both methods r equire third-party assistanc e in de velopment and implementation. The first includes finding and r ecruiting the talent nec essary for the new or c hanged roles created b y t he B IM/IPD i nitiative. This process is slow and often overwhelming for those in volved. The timeline is significantly r educed w ith thir d-party BIM 19

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

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