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SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Structal and Technyx: Major League Players in Complex Construction Projects Over the last 15 y ears St ructal-Heavy Steel Construction (Structal) - whic h is a business unit of Canam G roup, an industrial c ompany specializ ed in designing and fabr icating c onstruction products and solutions - has par tnered in the construction of over 50 stadiums and ar enas acr oss N orth America. Of this number, 17 are home to professional sports teams. Ongoing and completed projects include the C onsol Energ y Center, which w ill house the new Pittsburg Penguins ar ena; Red Bull Arena, soon to be home to the New York Red Bulls; New Meadowlands Stadium, which w ill be shar ed b y the N ew York Giants and the New York Jets; Citi Field, the new N ew York M ets ballpar k; and New Yankee Stadium, the new home of the New York Yankees. Given that Structal’s expertise extends from the desig n t o the c onstruction of complex, large-scale pr ojects, the c ompany no w includes building infor mation modeling (BIM) as part of its global p roposal. “Each v enue p resents unique t echnical and log istical c hallenges,” affirms Luc Pelland, president of Structal-Heavy Steel Construction. “BIM al lows project par tners t o obtain specific and up-to-the-minute information quickly and easily . Project collaborators can therefore make the right decision at the right moment and coordination is streamlined between internal and external teams.” Structal has par tnered w ith Technyx, another Canam G roup business unit, 3-D model of the New Meadowlands Stadium prepared by Technyx for its BIM suppor t ser vices. Technyx, which has of a team of over 400 experts worldwide, markets outsourcing services in the dr afting and BIM suppor t sectors fr om its offic es in N orth America, Europe and Asia. Technyx also offers real-time, online management t ools, which equally pr oved in valuable t o Structal dur ing the pr oduction of shop drawings f or s everal m ajor s ports v enues in the New York area. In addition t o manag ing an online collaborative workspace, Technyx coordinated the ac tivities of multiple dr afting t eams i n t he s cope o f a n umber o f these projects. Models were also created to allow internal drafting teams to work on the same drawing simultaneously. In the case of the N ew Yankee and N ew In the case of the New Yankee and New Meadowlands stadiums, Technyx collaborated with Thornton Tomasetti at the design stage to create and share models using Tekla Structures software. Meadowlands stadiums, Technyx collaborated with Thornton Tomasetti, a recognized engineering firm, at the desig n stage t o cr eate and shar e models using Tekla Structures software. “The management of major technical drafting pr ojects, such as the stadiums in N ew York, is alr eady a c omplex undertaking, and can be e ven mor e daunting when several drafting teams in various locations ar e in volved. Every day, Technyx o versees n umerous p rojects from its offices in Canada, Romania and I ndia. These r ealizations ha ve allowed T echnyx t o demonst rate the extent of its expertise in taking on largescale, highly technical projects,” explains Jean Thibodeau, president of Technyx. Technyx is cur rently focusing its efforts on further developing its management t ools in or der t o offer customers additional BIM support services, such as web hosting, model sharing and 3-D r enderings that pr ovide building previews. BIM 23

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

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