Building Information Modeling - 25

SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION EwingCole Has Growing Influence in Use of BIM in NY , NJ While some companies are just beginning t o del ve int o the w orld of BIM, EwingCole has been inc orporating 3D modeling in the desig n process for over 10 y ears. As a r esult, the c ompany has used BIM on some of the largest projects in the N ew York and N ew J ersey area and c ontinues t o ha ve a g rowing influence in the area. One recent example is the c ompany’s involvement w ith the de velopment of the $1 billion, 2.1-million-sq-ft N ew Meadowlands Stadium for the New York Football Giants and N ew York J ets in East Rutherford, N.J. BIM modeling was used early dur ing the c onstruction process t o f acilitate c oordination o f trades and minimize conflicts. Other projects in the area where EwingCole has used aspects of BIM include the 95,000-sq-ft N ew York Football Giants headquar ters and football training facility in East R utherford, N.J.; and the $63 million NJEDA Liberty Science Cent er e xpansion and r enovation in Jersey City, N.J. EwingCole is an integrated architecture, engineering, interior desig n and planning firm, so incorporating BIM was a natural fit to their philosophy of A/E/I teams working in dir ect c ollaboration. The use of BIM technology often requires a rethinking and restructuring of the design process, one in which disciplines work in coordination and collaboration with each other. This practice dovetails w ell w ith E wingCole’s cur rent business philosophy and pr actices. In fact, the company has been using 3D modeling integrated wi th desig n calculations for structural eng ineering solutions for y ears, as well as utilizing architectural 3D models for design and documentation. As a result, EwingCole has been able to provide feedback t o BI M s oftware p roviders t o h elp upgrade their systems. About 25% of the c ompany’s business hails from federal government agencies, which has affor ded EwingCole the opportunity t o ad vance the use of BIM t ools. A rendering of the New Meadowlands Stadium, which will be used by the New York Giants and New York Jets. Unlike other clients, the feder al go vernment requires the use ofBIM technology in RFPs. As a r esult, EwingCole has bec ome proficient i n t he u se o f Revit, AutoCAD and Microstation BIM software. Currently, they ar e emplo ying BIM softwar e for the design of the U nited Stat es Army C orps’ C2/CNT East facilit y. This new elect ronics and communications building is appr oximately 500,000 sq ft and c ontains software engineering and r esearch, logistics, and research laboratories. EwingCole’s e xpertise w ith BIM has also enabled the company to innovate in other areas and differentiate themselves with other desig n fir ms. For e xample, the c ompany has de veloped a “Digital Media Group,” which is a studio w ithin EwingCole that converts BIM models t o 3D v isualizations and c ombines BIM software w ith v ideo game t echnologies to create interactive 3D design tools. The studio is used with a variety of clients. The Digital Media Group has enabled the c ompany t o b ring t he u se o f BIM tools to new levels with projects such as one it c ompleted for Ber chtold, a medical equipment man ufacturer. With the technology, a v irtual o perating r oom was cr eated wher e clients w ere plac ed into a real-time, 3D environment. When the Philadelphia Phillies w ere building a new bal lpark, EwingCole worked with the team’s personnel to assist with s ales a nd m arketing e fforts. With BIM t echnology, an int eractive seating chart was created, which was used to generate full 360-deg ree views from different seating sections and suit es. This allo wed the team to sell all suit es and season tickets in a record amount of time. Whether fr om the initial desig n, to achieving buy-in from senior management or obtaining funding and gaining approval from zoning boards and local c ommunity groups, the abilit y to see what a st ructure will look like and experience it gives people a clear er insig ht of the building , and its function, as well as the o verall benefits for the organization. EwingCole’s professionals are leaders in designing sports and entertainment venues for pr ofessional spor ts fr anchises, colleges and uni versities and gaming , racing and hospitality clients. Additionally, EwingCole specializes in H ealthcare, Science & Technology, Academic, Cultural, Corporate and Government facility design. BIM 25

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

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