Building Information Modeling - 27

SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Turner Reaps the Rewards of BIM during Yankee Stadium Project For T urner C onstruction C ompany, the c ompletion of Yankee Stadium not only marked the end of a $1 billion dollar plus project, it also marked a point in time where the use of building information modeling (BIM) “just click ed as a new way of life.” Although Turner has been using computer-aided modeling on projects for the past 10 y ears, with the Yankee Stadium p roject, the c ompany c ould truly reap the rewards of its past experiences using BIM. As a result of the use of BIM, there was a reduction in field initiated RFI s and c hange or ders and an acceleration of the schedule, which is a monumental t riumph in a pr oject of this size. “That’s a tremendous benefit to our clients,” said Turner’s Vice President and Principal-in-Charge Mark Pulsfort. With the use of a trademarked construction management pr ocess T urner calls, “Virtual T rade C oordination” (VTC) and Autodesk’s NavisWorks software, BIM was int roduced at the desig n and de velopment stage of the p roject long befor e the pr oject star ted in the field. While softwar e is an impor tant aspect of BIM, the process by which it is used is e ven more important, said James Barrett, Manager of Virtual Construction Technologies for Turner. With the use of BIM design software, 3D models w ere made of every major building component - from its architectural and st ructural elements t o its HVAC, electrical, plumbing and fir e protection syst ems. Combining these into a c onsolidated model, Turner can instantly identify 100% of the syst em’s spatial clashes and c onflicts. For the Yankee Stadium project, the VTC process identified thousands of clashes and conflicts between trade systems. An on-site iRoom (an interactive BIM coordination r oom) was established in one of the jobsite trailers where subcontractors br ought their lapt ops and int eracBIM 27

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

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