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SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION tive S martBoards w ere set up . For almost nine months Turner, its subcontractors, and the desig n t eam w ent through eac h clash one-b y-one t o resolve the c onflicts. “This appr oach holds e verybody’s feet t o the fir e and also cr eates a mor e c ollaborative en vironment. Though it may not be a fast er process, it’s a bett er one because of the end result,” Barrett said. In the case of structural steel, engineers Thornton Tomasetti used the TEKLA software to develop the BIM for the steel structure, which was then shar ed with fabricator Canam G roup, Inc. using a pr ocess called “direct dig ital e xchange.” By exchanging models and resolving conflicts, the pr ocess for getting shop dr awing approvals was ac celerated and st eel mill orders w ere plac ed w ithin w eeks, rather than months. “This saved us a sig nificant amount of time r ight up fr ont,” Pulsfort said.“We needed every day we could get on this project. It was a very tight schedule.” the past four years, BIM has been implemented on more than 100 Turner projects with an estimat ed value of $20 billion. This w idespread suc cess has e ven Turner views BIM as a new frontier for the construction industr y, and as a much-needed vehicle for innovation in a traditional field. With the suc cess o f BIM on the Yankee Stadium and other pr ojects over the past se veral y ears, Turner plans t o continue its push for the w idespread adoption of its use throughout the company as a standar d business pr actice. Turner views BIM as a new fr ontier for the construction industry, and a muchneeded vehicle for innovation in a traditional field. Barrett estimat es that o ver encouraged Turner’s New York office to begin offer ing BIM ser vices dir ectly t o external clients suc h as ar chitects, engineers and subcontractors for implementation dur ing the planning , design and construction phases of project. “BIM is the futur e of design and c onstruction and Turner wants to be a national leader in usher ing in a new er a of ‘computer aided construction,’” said Barrett. BIM 29

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

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