Building Information Modeling - 33

SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION BIM: It’s Only 25% of the Solution By the Principals of SHoP Construction In the Midst of Cultural Change Designers and c ontractors are engaging BIM as a t ool. When this oc curs, The Perfect Storm separate and distinct efficiencies ar e We have seen the same graph in practi- generated w ithin the r espective desig n cally e very pr esentation on BIM that and construction arenas. We believe this we’ve attended in the past three years. It’s stimulates rehabilitation of the industry, the g raph that illust rates non-far m pr o- but it’s only providing approximately ductivity versus construction productivi- 25% of the solution. ty from 1964-2003. If you haven’t seen the Virtual Desig n & C onstruction illustration, let’s just say it doesn’t paint a (VDC) pr ocesses ar e r aising the bar . pretty picture of the performance of the VDC takes BIM a st ep further by simuconstruction industry since ‘64. Was it the lating a ful ly c oordinated c onstruction reality of a broken industry that spawned process. This process prescribes that the the cur rent “BIM R evolution?” Our design be built and worked out in a v iranswer is no, not really. tual r ealm p rior t o c onstruction. Shop Emerging technologies have a mind of drawing (or shop modeling) and c oortheir o wn. Drawing w ith pencils and dination ac tivities oc cur in the v irtual eraser shields led t o 2D CAD dr afting, environment as well. VDC can simulate which evolved into 3D modeling, which typical desig n-bid-build pr oject deli vpaved the wa y to Building Information ery, rendering another 25% of the soluModeling. BIM evolved out of a natural tion. We’re now halfway there. technological progression. In our decade-long q uest t o e valuate a nd u ti- Trust, Integrate, Communicate lize the right technology for each specifOwners of construction pr ojects w ill ic instanc e, SHoP has final ly found a need to embrace the value of these new platform that enables us t o unit e our collaborative processes and trust those ideals in a v irtual medium. BIM has that are hired to design or c onstruct or provided a tool that houses c ost, sched- integrate the two. Owners must seek out ule and spatial r elationships betw een true-bids, rather than low-bids (typicalbuilding c omponents in a data-r ich ly provided by the c ontractors solely to environment w hich, if used p roperly, secure the pr oject for themsel ves). enables ac curate int erpretation of Seeking out t rue-bids tak es upfr ont increasingly complex information. trust on the par t of the owner. Owners The inherent efficiencies of the newer must also focus on and institut e an BIM platforms have made everyone stop “integrated appr oach” to pr oject deli vand ask the question, “if I can no w ery. Virtual and pr ocedural int egration design a nd/or c onstruct s o e fficiently, is one aspect of an int egrated deli very then what ha ve I been doing all these process. Contractual int egration is also years?” This e xplains the o veruse of being addr essed thoug h the AIA’s the non-farm productivity versus Integrated P roject Deli very (IDP) and construction pr oductivity illust ration. other legal devices. Technology is triggering self-evaluation. Finally, all parties must re-focus on real Self-evaluation is t riggering a desig n communication. An emphasis has been and construction cultural change. placed on v irtual c ollaboration utilizing digitally enhanc ed c onference r ooms called iR ooms. Integrators, CMs, and detail eng ineers w orking on behalf of Collaborative Building utilizing SHoP’s iRoom - Fashion Institute of Technology ALABS Project. subcontractors a re w orking i n i Rooms and collaborating on the development of the models that ser ve their projects. This intensely personal forum brings together individuals that would otherwise not be working together. Through this pr ocess, we a re e xpanding o ur k nowledge b ase and creating a positive line of communication among all the pla yers in volved. This w ill lead t o pr omoting a mor e proactive appr oach t o pr oblem sol ving and it will build trust. Designers and c ontractors need t o share common goals. To truly innovate, we ar e int egrating. BIM inc orporated VDC can be utiliz ed in an “integrated approach” to desig n and c onstruction. SHoP sees I ntegrated Desig n and Construction as a manifestation of renaissance master building m erged with 21st Century technology. We’re continuing our desire to bridge the knowledge of the builder w ith that of the designer. In some cases, it will be one in the same. SHoP believes it will also put the spirit back into building. BIM 33

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

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