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SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION adoption of BIM t echnology t o people throughout the industry - including owners, architects, engineers, construction firms, facility managers and others - the group c oncedes t hat i t m ust p ersuade owners to embrace BIM if it is to become an i ndustry s tandard. A m ajor c hallenge the g roup fac es is ensur ing the de velopment of a business model of open standards t o i mplement B IM. In t he c urrent facility life cy cle en vironment, there ar e many stakeholders that are unaware of the capabilities of BIM in addition t o man y laws, regulations and contractual relations that c onflict w ith a BIM appr oach that requires an int egrated, standardized and open system to information exchange. One way the group is spreading its message in addition to their monthly network meetings is through “special events.”In the coming months, the group plans t o hold events on how BIM can contribute to lowering c osts that can help stim ulate the industry out of the current fiscal recession into a less wast eful future. In addition, a “NYC BIM St orm” will take place in the near future to show how BIM can gather and shar e infor mation fr om ar ound the world to provide insight and solutions to a complex NY C planning pr oblem that is currently being defined. Thomson’s proposal to start a New York center to serve as a r esearch and t raining for BIM was ac cepted b y the founders. “BIMplex,” the name g iven b y the founders, is aimed at helping the indust ry transform their oper ations and manage the c hange it w ill r equire in the implementation o f BIM. Also, the c enter w ill serve as a collaboration platform between the i ndustry a nd a ll r egional a cademic institutions with regards to BIM. The “BIMplex” is in the early formation phase by Abdelgelil, Thomson, and Jones in addition to construction industry professional J ohn Rapapor t, of Component Assembly S ystems, Inc. and members of academia; Lawrence Chiar elli, industry professor; and Bud Griffis, professor and chairman of the Dept. of Civil Engineering at NYU-Poly. BIM 37

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

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