Building Information Modeling - 9

Source: Bentley Systems Structural modeling is one of the most common uses of BIM. Source: T ekla Structures This evolves the t raditional approach to who does c oordination, how it's done and where it's done towards a faster and fundamentally more equitable, reasonable and mutually satisfying process from which everyone benefits. Typically, teams leveraging clash detection technology meet regularly as the design models are being developed to review potential conflicts in the proposed design solutions and find mutually ac ceptable r esolutions. Fabrication can then be planned to p recisely e xecute t he coordinated s olutions. This high r eliability on the ac curacy of the c oordinated model greatly facilitat es pr e-fabrication, especially for MEP and structural elements. This productive engagement around clash detection sets the stage for many other useful collaborative efforts between team members. For example, the structural design team can provide its structural model to the steel fabricator, who can then detail directly in the same model. The fabr icator can then utiliz e it both for appr oval by the desig ner team, thereby reducing the slow and wasteful process of shop drawings, and to drive its fabrication equipment on the shop floor. Overall, it is the po werful c ombination of modeling and analysis tools with integrated, collaborative processes that is creating the sea change of transformation related to BIM. And as the indust ry c ontinues t o adop t these t ools and processes it is r easonable to expect that t eams will find mor e and more productive ways to leverage the po wer of BIM for better projects. What McGraw-Hill Construction is doing Relative to BIM McGraw-Hill C onstruction is c ommitted t o pla ying an active r ole in this indust ry transformation. This tak es the form of three main initiatives: 1. Research and Awareness 2. Collaboration 3. Content Research and Awareness In November 2007 McGraw-Hill Construction published the S martMarket R eport on I nteroperability in the Construction Industry. In that r esearch study we determined that the e xtraordinary r ate at whic h companies who initially experimented with BIM chose to adopt it as their preferred approach to project delivery established a clear tipping point for the industry-at-large in 2008. McGraw-Hill C onstruction has e xpanded on that initial research to publish the SmartMarket Report on BIM in November 2008. This studies the cur rent state of nine distinct aspects of BIM use in the US mar ket and will serve as a baseline to benchmark our progress as an industry over the coming years. 9 BIM

Building Information Modeling

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Building Information Modeling

Building Information Modeling - 1
Building Information Modeling - 2
Building Information Modeling - 3
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Building Information Modeling - 9
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