Work Smart with the SCA McGraw-Hill Supplement - 22

A SPECIAL ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO NEW YORK CONSTRUCTION previously as part of the new application, allowing " rms to avoid tedious reentry each time they apply. All they have to do is update or con" rm the old data. Moreover, " rms can go online at any time to update their contact information and other basic data that may change in between application submissions, ensuring that no business is lost as a result of out-of-date information. While it is still too soon to gauge the full impact of VAS in this area, the early returns are very promising, and average processing time is declining despite a very signi" cant increase in the number of applications received. Module II: Limited List The second module of the Vendor Access System (VAS) to launch was a module that automates the internal SCA process of developing limited lists. The new module allows bidding lists to be developed and approved quickly, based on complete information. Module III: Subcontractor Approval Forms (SAFs) The third VAS module to launch automates the subcontractor approval process. Currently, the Contractor Quali" cation Unit is entering Subcontractor Approval Forms (SAFs) into VAS upon receipt, and using the system’s automated work " ow to vet and approve wrap-up insurance. In the near future, contractors will be able to enter the SAF information themselves, eliminating the paper. As in the case of prequali" cation and certi" cation, this will ensure that complete forms are submitted, eliminate reentry of information previously provided and speed communication regarding any issues that the SCA identi" es during its review. The system already emails " rms and SCA personnel the results of the SCA’s review; very shortly it will also email the resulting insurance certi" cate to the " rm and allow the contractor to login at any point following issuance to view and save another copy of the certi" cate. Finally, the system will ensure that contractors can only submit an SAF for " rms with a prequali" cation application on " le, and will clearly indicate if the " rm has not yet been quali" ed; this will eliminate costly delays and confusion, and help ensure that all " rms working on SCA sites are properly insured. A TOOL FOR DRIVING CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT VAS will further evolve and expand over time, as the SCA continues to seek to be as business-friendly as possible. As described elsewhere in this supplement, a consultant evaluation module is being tested, and a bid and award module is under development. “While the early response is promising, there is much more work to be done to fully leverage technology by further streamlining quali" cation, certi" cation, subcontractor approval and other procurement processes,” says van Biema. “The SCA is committed to ensuring that its doors are wide open in order to continue to attract and retain the best " rms in the industry.” ■ PREQUALIFICATION & CERTIFICATION TIPS • Apply for prequali" cation and/or certi" cation online. • Be sure to check out Vendor Access System (VAS) tool tips, help and “Before You Start” information—it may help you avoid a phone call to the SCA. • Be sure to answer all questions and upload all requested information/licenses. Incomplete applications delay the prequali" cation/certi" cation process. • Submit viable references for work completed within the last three years, and make sure they pertain to your requested trade codes. • If you perform work in NYC, you must submit your " rm’s most recent NYC General Corporation tax return. • Although the SCA has MWLBE certi" cation reciprocity with other agencies that will speed the review process, your certi" cation with several other government agencies such as DASNY (Dormitory Authority of the State of NY) and the Port Authority does not automatically certify or qualify your " rm with the SCA. • If CQU or BDD requests additional information, respond promptly (you can do so online) to avoid delaying the process. • The CQU and BDD Units are open Monday through Friday during business hours; if you need individual help, just stop by. They are happy to assist you!

Work Smart with the SCA McGraw-Hill Supplement

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Work Smart with the SCA McGraw-Hill Supplement

Work Smart with the SCA McGraw-Hill Supplement - 1
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